Vote Best Borknagar Album (believe it or not, this hasn't been done before.)

Vote Best Album(s)

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Tyrants and Slaves
Jan 18, 2006
Maine or Iowa
I searched all 25+ pages of this forum and there has never been a single "Vote Best Album" Thread to speak of.

So what the hell, let's get the general opinion on which albums we die-hard fans currently favor.

Vote more than one if desired.

(oh, and Quintessence is the correct answer fyi)
Gotta go with The Olden Domain. This album just has a certain feel to it that I really connect with. From start to finish, I think this is their most solid album. And Garm's vocals really give it that added dimension. My next choice would be Empiricism, but while it has some great songs, I don't think it flows as well as The Olden Domain.
I voted for Quintesscence, 'tis my all time fave Borknagar album.

And even though I've only heard "Earth imagery" form Origin, I voted for it because if all the songs are like that one it'll porbably be my new fave.


PS: Amazing that a thread like this has never been done heheee :rolleyes: :p :zombie: .
Well, I had to go with Empiricism. I love them all, but it was the first Borknagar I ever heard and the atmosphere it creates is amazing.
Hard to choose between The Olden Domain and Quintessence, both excellent albums.
Seems Empiricism is taking the lead... I was listening to it again last night for the first time in a while. It really is an awesome album. It also has some of my favourite drumming and bass work out of all the Borknagar albums.
The Bringer said:
I had to go with the first release. I absolutely love it. The electronic buzz to the distortion is just awesome.

Whaaaat? I hate it! It makes the album so hard to listen to. The production is really horrible on that album.
Nick_Perrin said:
Whaaaat? I hate it! It makes the album so hard to listen to. The production is really horrible on that album.

The production is quite good compared to the likes of Darkthrone & co.

As I do all their albums, I like this one for it's so unique, just as each album is unique in Borknagar's discography.
Zephyrus said:
The production is quite good compared to the likes of Darkthrone & co.

It's still horrible.

And then let's just say that Darkthrone would be the first band I would not listen to solely based on their horrible production. It's sad to say, but when it gets to a certain point it goes past being a challenging listen to a pain in the ass.

I haven't actually heard any Darkthrone, and wouldn't mind being recommended to a good album of theirs... of course if the production is really that bad...