Vote for the next Song Survivor thread/s

Which would you prefer?

  • Total voters
Nov 23, 2002
vote for the ones you want the most. you can vote for multiple albums! also feel free to discuss here. if you have any further suggestions then let me know and i'll try to add them to the poll if that's possible, i dunno if it is though.
for the record i went for those (and a lot of my own choices actually) based on their being in the top tens in the genre polls, and without a really obvious winner. i actually prefer autopsy's debut anyway and i adore SHOW NO MERCY so i'd be up for both of those
A survivor for a four-track album with one obvious fan-favorite and one ambient filler isn't going to be very useful. A poll pitting the title track and Inn i slottet... against each other will be as informative.
A survivor for a four-track album with one obvious fan-favorite and one ambient filler isn't going to be very useful. A poll pitting the title track and Inn i slottet... against each other will be as informative.

Ambient filler?

I agree about HLTO not making a good survivor (being a four-track album and all, and more of a single piece of music than a collection of songs) but there is no filler on HLTO, and its certifiably retarded to imply otherwise.
Ambient filler?

I agree about HLTO not making a good survivor (being a four-track album and all, and more of a single piece of music than a collection of songs) but there is no filler on HLTO, and its certifiably retarded to imply otherwise.

lol, I bet you think Daudi baldrs isn't a terrible album too.
Nothing wrong with nerdiness. I'd say it's one of the few endearing traits of Burzum/Varg, tbh.
You're correct on that point. However, its the only recent thing you've posted that can be said about.