Vote on your favourite metal album 2003

Well you people forgot to put the amazing album put out by Grave Digger this year "Rheingold" so I voted for my second favorite album of the year "Death Cult Armageddon" by Dimmu Borgir.
Cool ! You know, it is impossible to list all albums that have been released this year, lots of albums will of caurse not be listed in the poll, but of 100 albums listed I think that most metal fans atleast can pick one album that he/she likes alot.... :)
i was pretty unimpressed with most releases this year. Id say Katatonia, but the new album grows stale after a few songs. I actually like the new Ministry album the best.
speed said:
i was pretty unimpressed with most releases this year. Id say Katatonia, but the new album grows stale after a few songs. I actually like the new Ministry album the best.
I think that were many great releases this year. In addition to Lamb Of God, the new CDs by Vital Remains, Destruction, Dew Scented, Children Of Bodom, Extol, Skinless, Spawn Of Possession, and Arch Enemy are all great, just to name a few.
God damn there were some tough calls.

But when it comes right down to it, 'Enemies Of Reality' has been my favorite METAL album this year with many others close behind.

'Damnation' gets my vote for best non-metal album.
While I liked Haunted's One Kill Wonder and Nevermore's Enemies of Reality, I had to vote for St. Anger.
yeah there were alot of good cds released, just nothing all that inspiring or to different. Sure, I really like the new dew scented, Lamb of God, and Nevermore albums, but these albums were nothing more than solid metal- nothing new. I did forget Enslaved, Ephel Duath, and Khanate, for putting out interesting and dynamic music.
I had a hard time voting for just one album but I picked Enemies of Reality, I've just been listening to that album so much..
I went with Train of Thought. I almost voted for Crimson II(Sorry, Dan) Why was Opeth's Damnation on that list. Albeit, it was my favorite album this year all around, it's not really metal, is it?
I voted Zyklon. The fact that Chimaira's album is coming second in the poll upsets me very much, and that Dimmu Borgir are winning, well damn, thats just idiocity.
Tanith said:
I voted Zyklon. The fact that Chimaira's album is coming second in the poll upsets me very much, and that Dimmu Borgir are winning, well damn, thats just idiocity.

Frederik basically went to every single forum to tell people, and Chimaira was one of them =).

i still say you NEED TO put down Enslaved! Whore!
I went with Nasum's 'Helvete' as that is the only release on that list that was in my Top 10.

And Dimmu has the most votes on that list? Give me a fucking break, people.