Vox Wah


Amiga Enthusiast
Oct 30, 2003
Nottingham, England.
Ok, I've got a Vox V847 Wah and I was wondering if anyone knew how to adjust the resistance of the pedal rocking, so I have to apply more pressure to rock it back and forth?
As far as I know there isn't really anything to change - the footplate just rocks on the pivot points. The only real mechanical resistance is the pot, which is no different than the one on your guitar etc.

If you try and move it with your hands, it's really easy - the only reason it's more difficult when you're using it is because your bodyweight is on the back of the pedal as you try to push it forward. So from a physics standpoint, if you want it to be more difficult just lean back when you're using it :p I do know someone that puts a big, heavy-duty spring under the front of the footplate (around the switch), which makes it harder to rock - but obviously that also means it naturally wants to spring back.

Thanks lol, I've seen stuff for adjusting the Dunlop's, just not the Vox's! Guess I'll have to mess about a bit, I just wanted some more resistance so I can sort of feel more where I am, rather than rocking all the way through to the treble side really easily.
Nope, no sweep or Q settings on the V847. I'm thinking I might just sell this off and get a Dunlop, my friend will buy this Vox off of me.
Yeah, V847s are the most basic things in the world - you can mod just about everything on them, but you can't adjust anything. If you search Google you might be able to find some clever mod for the rocker, but I've never seen/heard of one.

Crybabys are cool - they have a different sound to the Vox (it's more refined I'd say), but they're much more user friendly.

I haven't played many Wahs, but what I did notice is that the action on the crybaby is abit more akward than I imagined it to be (odd placed pivot, very on/ off wah transition). The Original CB I feel goes very shrill, the adjustable ones allow you to tailor that abit more.
I'd say hunt them down and give them a go side by side.
Lol, the more I think about it Dan, the more I'm thinking fuck it and thinking I'm not gonna bother lol. I don't use the wah THAT much, just would have liked a stiffer resistance.