Voyager Interview

Wow - Danny and I talked for 10+ minutes at PPUSA and we never once found out we were in the same profession.

I mean, we pretty much talked about music, beer, and girls... so lawyering never came up. Loved the DC Cooper bit, as well - good interview, JG.
At the NY show prior to ProgPower, we had 2 fans and Danny talking about their profession (all lawyers) and comparing practices, areas-of-focus and such. It's not something you see everyday. It was as mindblowing as seeing a regular member of the board giving an interview on live TV about his profession... (catching babies anyone)? :lol:
At the NY show prior to ProgPower, we had 2 fans and Danny talking about their profession (all lawyers) and comparing practices, areas-of-focus and such. It's not something you see everyday. It was as mindblowing as seeing a regular member of the board giving an interview on live TV about his profession... (catching babies anyone)? :lol:

I believe it was Helloween that said "heavy metal is the law." So they can coexist.:Spin:
At the NY show prior to ProgPower, we had 2 fans and Danny talking about their profession (all lawyers) and comparing practices, areas-of-focus and such. It's not something you see everyday. It was as mindblowing as seeing a regular member of the board giving an interview on live TV about his profession... (catching babies anyone)? :lol:

Great interview, Justin! Everyone in Voyager was truly engaging and conversational. Danny carried on a very thoughtful discussion with Louis, Mark and myself about immigration challenges in the US vs Australia.

Milton, you really didn't locate some of those clips, did you? Was it obvious that during some of the call in questions I had to pause a moment to keep a straight face?