W.A.S.P. - The Crimson Idol tour 2007-2008


Borne on Wings of Steel
Aug 3, 2003
waspnation.com said:

For the First Time Ever, "The Crimson Idol"
will be performed in its entirety live.
Never before has this great work been attempted to be performed this way.
The live performance will feature all of the music from the original album but in addition,
never seen video footage will be shown throughout the show from beginning to end.
This filmed footage was shot in 1992 and was originally designed to be a full length movie.
To commemorate the 15 year anniversary of this milestone album, it will be presented in its original story form.
This promises to be a powerful and moving live experience.
Being done in selective dates worldwide in 2007-2008.

Don't Miss it... Jonathan STILL lives here!

Sure playing classic albums back to back live is a terribly unoriginal and cheesy thing to do nowadays but damn, I'd love to see this one. TCI is by far the best album W.A.S.P. has ever done (and I don't see that changing in the future either).

...I'd also be genuinely surprised if Blackie didn't release a sequel album sometime in the near future...
Like he's gonna make it through an entire tour without a cancelation...
Blackie's reputation is shot, he's a flake. Does it sound interesting? Yes, but I have my doubts, the last album didn't spark enough interest stateside to even warrant it's release here....
Like he's gonna make it through an entire tour without a cancelation...
Blackie's reputation is shot, he's a flake. Does it sound interesting? Yes, but I have my doubts, the last album didn't spark enough interest stateside to even warrant it's release here....

not only that but according to all the music websites (cduniverse, amazon, mymusic) dominator is already out of print :mad:

btw blackie never got a stateside deal for it
Fuckin' pathetic!!!!!!
Thats a bit harsh.

It would be great if W.A.S.P. did something similar to Maiden early days stuff and bring it over to Australia. If Blackie is infact washed out as you say Sixx, then he would be guaranteed to make some easy cash.
I would have been a lot more interested in this a few years ago before he started cancelling shows right and left. I dunno, maybe he's trying to get his rep back by touring on one of his best albums. Looks to me like he's running out of cash...
not only that but according to all the music websites (cduniverse, amazon, mymusic) dominator is already out of print :mad:

btw blackie never got a stateside deal for it

Shame, 'cause 'Dominator' is a damn good album. The song 'Heaven's Hung In Black' is a phenomenal song and one of Blackie's best ever, imo.