Waaahh !!! Da-da (off-topic)


Mr. Sleepy
Apr 14, 2002
Sweet home Alabama
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Well tomorrow (8-5) I will be 36 and I also was just informed (two days ago) I am going to be a Daddy. The little wife is pregnant. Woo-hoo !!

P.S. Sorry I haven't been posting much the past two days. We have two people sick on third shift and I have been working 12 hour days. : (

Happy birthday for tomorrow :D
And congrats on the pregnancy, no doubt he'll/she'll be raised as an old school metalhead :headbang:

P.S. Could you please answer my Vanden Plas thread when you get the time.. :D
Bryant said:
Well tomorrow (8-5) I will be 36 and I also was just informed (two days ago) I am going to be a Daddy. The little wife is pregnant. Woo-hoo !!

P.S. Sorry I haven't been posting much the past two days. We have two people sick on third shift and I have been working 12 hour days. : (


Well Firstly Happy Birthday Bryant! ... Second Congrats!!!!!! I totally know you will make a Cool Daddy! :headbang: :wave:
Bryant said:
Well tomorrow (8-5) I will be 36 and I also was just informed (two days ago) I am going to be a Daddy. The little wife is pregnant. Woo-hoo !!

P.S. Sorry I haven't been posting much the past two days. We have two people sick on third shift and I have been working 12 hour days. : (


Can we choose a name Bryant ??? :D oh yeah, if it's a boy it probably will be a "Tad" ...

congrats man, I'm sure you'll be a great dad !!!! King of dipers !

Have a good birthday party tomorrow !! If that beer now would arrive tomorrow that would be cool !!!
Congrats Bryant.... on everything!!

Carnut, I don't know man, Bryant is a big Accept fan so I'm betting he will go with the name Udo. :)
carnut said:
Can we choose a name Bryant ??? :D oh yeah, if it's a boy it probably will be a "Tad" ...

congrats man, I'm sure you'll be a great dad !!!! King of dipers !

Have a good birthday party tomorrow !! If that beer now would arrive tomorrow that would be cool !!!

Ha ha ha it arrived Monday and I saved it for today (my birthday.) I enjoyed it. It is the first time I ever had a cherry beer (except for a cherry wheat) even took a pix tonight.... maybe I can d/l it from the camera and u/l it to photobucket. You rock Gert !!

Greeno said:
Carnut, I don't know man, Bryant is a big Accept fan so I'm betting he will go with the name Udo. :)
Oh my god, why do you want to punish the kid from the beginning? That name sounds so retarded. No offense, of course (in case someone around here has this name). It's just that I really hate these typically German names. :yuk:
DrillSergeant said:
Oh my god, why do you want to punish the kid from the beginning? That name sounds so retarded. No offense, of course (in case someone around here has this name). It's just that I really hate these typically German names. :yuk:

Well my wife is Japanese so I am sure she would want part of the name Japanese. So German first name, Japanese middle name.... hmmmm might be something like this :

boy - Ehrenreich Mitsuhiro Stokes
girl - Wilhelmina Natsuko Stokes

Hmm..... these aren't in my top yen. >:p~ Wolfgang might not be out of the question for a middle name though :D

Bryant said:
Well my wife is Japanese so I am sure she would want part of the name Japanese. So German first name, Japanese middle name.... hmmmm might be something like this :

boy - Ehrenreich Mitsuhiro Stokes
girl - Wilhelmina Natsuko Stokes

Hmm..... these aren't in my top yen. >:p~ Wolfgang might not be out of the question for a middle name though :D

Come on, Bryant - You have to think a bit more! The kid might be small for the next couple of years but one day he will walk up to then old and weak daddy and beat the crap out of him for such a name. :lol: And he'd be damn right! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Bryant said:
Well my wife is Japanese so I am sure she would want part of the name Japanese. So German first name, Japanese middle name.... hmmmm might be something like this :

boy - Ehrenreich Mitsuhiro Stokes
girl - Wilhelmina Natsuko Stokes


Haha, Wilhelmina is not German Bryant, That's the name of the Queen of Holland, real Dutch name.
Maybe ask some Germans around here for "nice" names...
Glad you got to enjoy the beer on your birthday, that's cool !! :headbang: