Wacken Open Air Festival


Child Of Symphony
Nov 12, 2002
Can anyone give me information like what country is it in and what the show is like and if Bodom ever played there?

I live in the States and me and my friend Ian are planning on flying to Finland to see some shows. I came up with a much better idea that we should see the W.O.A. But I don't know ever where it is!

Someone help...:confused:
Wacken is in the very north of germany, the nearest bigger cities are Kiel and Hamburg.
come to wacken next year, u won't regret it! ;) ...btw, COB played there this year and another time some years ago, afaik
wacken is starting to become a fucking joke. they use to host good bands, now there letting all these trend whore bands play there. it makes me fucking sick.
mmm ... there's quite a lot that you could criticize about Wacken, but I kind of doubt that "being trendy" is on the usual list.
What's so trendy about Cannibal Corpse, Bodom, Sinergy, Blind Guardian ?? I seem to have missed all the trendy bands this year.
Well, I was either half drunk or headbanging wildy most of the time anyway, so ...

I say Wacken's cool. :)
Originally posted by En Vind Av Sorg
wacken is starting to become a fucking joke. they use to host good bands, now there letting all these trend whore bands play there. it makes me fucking sick.
oh well, you cannot say, that wacken became a powermetal-only festival at all. Ofcourse, there are a few, because the organisators need them because of the people, they attracht and like this bringing some money for keeping such an huge festival running smoothly, but they're still having some not too well known bands in their sortiment. There are already Vader, Extreme Nosie Terror and Die Apokalyptischen Reiter confirmed to play on wacken '03, i won't really call them trendy
Calling WOA "trendy" must be one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. They expect 30k visitors every year, so what do you want? You cant see more than 10-15 bands anyway so concentrate on the "true" ones (
) and shut the fuck up
ahahahha yeah if you have a huge festavel like that you cant be happy 100% of the time.... i mean comon dude ya dont have to watch the bands u dont like...
to the guys who don't know what to expect from the Wacken Open Air:

Line-up 2002:
Angel Dust
Alabama Thunderpussy
Cannibal Corpse
Dying Fetus
My Dying Bride
Mörk Gryning
Rob Halford
Bruce Dickinson
Blind Guardian
don't remember any more bands.......

Line-up 2001:
Dark Tranquillity
Behind the Scenery
much more of course, but now I'm sick of listing :p

however, the 2003 line-up will rule, no doubt.

there's a second huge metal festival in Germany (in August either) called With Full Force. It's quite spectacular as well, Slayer and Impaled Nazarene played there this year afaik. So if the mass of bands is not enough it might be interesting for non-Europeans to combine these two festivals and stay longer in Germany instead of flying several times. Summerbreeze also has a lot of metal bands, German festival in summer either... but that would be too much I guess ;)
Sorry locutos, you made some mistakes! The 2001 lineup you've written is the 2002 line up, but without Halford! The same with your 2000 line up, thats from 2001! COB played there 1998 and 2002, Sinergy only 2002! Next year COB plays at the Summer Breeze Festival, hargh, I will be there (and of course on some tourdates like Frankfurt, Ludwigsburg....)

Bands worth seeing at wacken this year.
Blind Guardian

The entire Death/Black/Power Heavy Metal scene has sold out and gone trendy basically. Dosent nessecarily mean its bad music, just stating a fact. you were correct about the slayer lyrics. i happened to be listening to the song at the time. Northern Viking i dont think you comprehend the meaning of trendy. Thats just my opinion, then again i am a narrow minded fuck.:devil:
Originally posted by Thilo
Sorry locutos, you made some mistakes! The 2001 lineup you've written is the 2002 line up, but without Halford! The same with your 2000 line up, thats from 2001!

hihi recht haste... I changed that, the summer dates and year numbers confused me a little bit :D But Halford was on the billing list, wasn't he? hm... well if not, forget it :>
Originally posted by En Vind Av Sorg
Northern Viking i dont think you comprehend the meaning of trendy. Thats just my opinion, then again i am a narrow minded fuck.:devil:
Maybe I dont, but either way, you end up having fun there because they invite non-trendy bands as well. Only because up to 10 bands could be called trendy in the metalscene doesnt make the whole WOA and the other 50 or 60 bands trendy as well...

And even if I heavily disagree with you that doesnt mean Im necessarily right or that your opinion is worth less than mine ;)