Wacken sold out ...


Jun 29, 2005
Germany - Marburg
The tickets for the W:O:A are already sold out. Almost 200 days before the festival takes place. Arrrrghh, I wanted to go this year. Anybody else missed their chance on tickets?

Glad I got my Summerbreeze tickets in time this year!
0ld. :p

But yeah, I was surprised. Lineup looks pretty dire this year though so oh well. I think the only two bands I'd be at all interested in seeing are AA and ND and I've seen em both fuck loads already. That and I'll prolly end up seeing both of them at least once or twice by the time Wacken comes around.

Definitely going to MetalCamp this year and most likely Party San too. : D
I never understood what should be so special about wacken. the line up never really got me, its way too huge and the prices are above everything. To me, there are loads of better festivals in germany.
Omg i wanted to go this year :\ It would be my first time in germany :\ Damn it... I hope, someday in Poland there will be some huge festivals too... Or another Ensiferum - Tyr - AA maraton.