Wade Black leaves Seven Witches

Scott B

Jan 4, 2002
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Here's a press release from Wade Black regarding Seven Witches and future projects:

At this time I would like to make a few announcements regarding my current and future projects. First off I will no longer be involved with Seven Witches in either a recording or touring capacity due to personal and business related matters within the band. I would also like to take the opportunity to thank Sanctuary Noise Records for it's professional way that you handle your CO. And most of all to the fans the people that I talked to on this recent tour truly love metal music to the core!! Thank God for Europe
if not for you who knows? Now on a good note I am currently recording w/ Emo Mowery and Mike Davis of Nocturnus This is some of the darkest, heaviest,and most complex music I have ever done or any thing that is out now . I am also working on a solo record and auditioning as we speak for spots. These projects will allow me the creative outlet and growth I need since they will both be locally based. And will also allow me to give my family and business the attention they need and deserve. Thanks to all you metal freaks world wide who have continued to show your support see you in
the near future stay hard!!

Wade Black