Wakusei Kaikaku - Japanese Iron Maiden Tribute Band


Live to Win
Feb 9, 2008
Makati, Philippines
I was checking out other Iron Maiden tribute bands on YouTube, and I found this one from Japan:

惑星改革 (Wakusei Kaikaku)
"Tyranny" as Bruce Dickinson
"Atcho" as Steve Harris
"Camus" as Nicko McBrain
"Ken" as Dave Murray
"Taisa" as Adrian Smith

You gotta give them props, as they are Japanese, and they're one of a few with a female lead vocalist. Kirsten will still kick her ass, though. :p
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This is god awful!

But way better than the crap I had to listen to in Chinese bars though when I lived there. I tried to start a band in China. It was going ok then one day the bassist went completely MIA and never heard from him again.
I think its crapola! The chick looks like a robot. She should have went into Domo Arigato Mr. Roboto.

Arch, In China I was in many places. But where I lived was Tianjin, Shanghai and an island called Xiamen.
Good rock bands from China are Beyond and WuBai from Taiwan. They rock!
How is hving fun the point of making a good song?
Yu msy love crappy hip hop then.
Let's see you go learn a song in Japanese and get it perfect then! ;) :lol: She's trying her best and the fact that it's not in her mother tongue makes it a million times more difficult for her.

I hope you know that I wasn't talking about her strong accent,but about the fact that she doesn't know the lyrics well.If you're about to sing on a stage for a crowd,you should be a 100% sure that you know the lyrics promptly! I can sing Maiden songs without screwing up the lyrics,and let me tell you a "secret":English is not my first language either!:cool:
I hope you know that I wasn't talking about her strong accent,but about the fact that she doesn't know the lyrics well.If you're about to sing on a stage for a crowd,you should be a 100% sure that you know the lyrics promptly! I can sing Maiden songs without screwing up the lyrics,and let me tell you a "secret":English is not my first language either!:cool:

Nah, it's cool! I just think it's alot harder to remember the lyrics than we think. It's ok when you've got Bruce to back you up but completely different when you're on your own. ;) Even the best forget the lyrics from time to time (but saying that I didn't watch the vid so dunno how bad she screwed up!! :lol: )
Nah, it's cool! I just think it's alot harder to remember the lyrics than we think. I

How hard is, "Fear of the dark. Fear of the dark. I have a constant fear that someone's always there."

I bet she probably speaks English anyways.

Oh sorry, "Feel a da dawk, feel a da dawk...
Wow! What happened to all the love that used to be on these boards?! Compare the replies from Metallicats original post regarding this band "Aja has a twin" to those posted here, YIKES!
Some people really need to lighten up!
Though I am unable to have sound on the computers here, just watching the vid I can tell the singer and entire band are having a blast! I think they are great and the singer is a super cutie as well! Judging by the size of the crowd, they either have a lot of friends and family or they ain't half bad.
The point of playing a good song - they are a COVER BAND- is to have fun! If it ain't fun, it ain't good! And if it ain't good, it ought to be fun! I can remember jamming Maiden songs with Linda (HA! How many of you can say that! lol!) when we were in school and while Linda has always been a kick ass drummer I can honestly say that I pretty much sucked as a guitarist, but I had a whole lotta fun doing it! That is the point!
My mother is Japanese and after 40+ years still can't shake the R and L thing so cut people from other countries some slack if they have quirks in their English. Metallicat speaks English but I bet it don't sound like yours!
Lighten up! If you want to post negative stuff, go to Metal Skool's boards! lol!
Hey we're just having fun. I think my posts here are funny. In all seriousness, this Japanese band isn't really that bad.
Though I am unable to have sound on the computers here, just watching the vid I can tell the singer and entire band are having a blast! I think they are great and the singer is a super cutie as well! Judging by the size of the crowd, they either have a lot of friends and family or they ain't half bad.

Nice to hear from you John. Doing OK in the shit hole?

Nice to hear from you John. Doing OK in the shit hole?


Doing good, Jim. Moving to another stinkier stink hole down the road real soon, though. All packed up now ready to rip, got time to play on the 'puters for a few! Love all your pix, BTW! Keep 'em coming for those of us out in the boonies! See you in August as well and as I told Linda, "Drinks are on me!"
Doing good, Jim. Moving to another stinkier stink hole down the road real soon, though. All packed up now ready to rip, got time to play on the 'puters for a few! Love all your pix, BTW! Keep 'em coming for those of us out in the boonies! See you in August as well and as I told Linda, "Drinks are on me!"

Hey there, brother John! We miss you here! Stay safe there til August! :headbang:
Wow! What happened to all the love that used to be on these boards?! Compare the replies from Metallicats original post regarding this band "Aja has a twin" to those posted here, YIKES!
Some people really need to lighten up!
Though I am unable to have sound on the computers here, just watching the vid I can tell the singer and entire band are having a blast! I think they are great and the singer is a super cutie as well! Judging by the size of the crowd, they either have a lot of friends and family or they ain't half bad.
The point of playing a good song - they are a COVER BAND- is to have fun! If it ain't fun, it ain't good! And if it ain't good, it ought to be fun! I can remember jamming Maiden songs with Linda (HA! How many of you can say that! lol!) when we were in school and while Linda has always been a kick ass drummer I can honestly say that I pretty much sucked as a guitarist, but I had a whole lotta fun doing it! That is the point!
My mother is Japanese and after 40+ years still can't shake the R and L thing so cut people from other countries some slack if they have quirks in their English. Metallicat speaks English but I bet it don't sound like yours!
Lighten up! If you want to post negative stuff, go to Metal Skool's boards! lol!

Great post John and really great to hear from you again!! :D