Wanna try a new way to hear stuff in music?


Anssi Tenhunen
Try to do something like what I did just a moment ago.

I listened to "Mamma Mia" by ABBA and then analyzed it by marking down what was playing in the song. If you have an account to spotify, here is a link for you to listen to the song while you read the graph

It's just incredible that when you actually start to focus on what is going on in the song, it just gives it another perspective and you start hearing all the small things happening in there you might not even notice otherwise.

For example Faith No More is one of those bands that might give you yet another perspective because of this kind of analysis. I might make an analysis on one of their songs if someone is interested.

edit: Faith No More - Gentle Art of Making Enemies (spotify)... Ever noticed that there is actually keyboards in that song? :)
Well, I've never taken notes as complete as yours but most of the times when I listen to songs and albums I already listened a million times before I do exactly what you describe here, only mentally.
Woah thats pretty hardout man. Ive never analysed stuff to the point of listing everything how you have but I do try and make notice of more that the obvious, if that makes sense. Cool stuff!
Yeah, I do that too sometimes when Im bored or listen to the music on longer car/bus drives. For example I listen to some songs but focus only on the drummer, that helps later during programming and other stuff.
i feel this is a kind of intuition like ability that one should develop in order to produce interesting and detailed mixes.
very interesting concept ahjteam. i have always been an advocate for including the "visual" senses alongside the aural. hell - when i moved from standard outboard gear to doing everything inside a DAW - my understanding - and perspective of the mixing music improved and changed 1000%. we have all these senses as humans - so why not exploit them??

btw - i wonder if something like this already exists in an automated fashion for some DAWs, and if not -someone should write it. shouldn't be hard since the tracks would already be defined and labled.
btw - i wonder if something like this already exists in an automated fashion for some DAWs, and if not -someone should write it. shouldn't be hard since the tracks would already be defined and labled.

Turn your head 90 degrees

wow look at that, its like a vertical timeline hehe

verrrrrrrry interesting, mamma mia!

edit: ahjteam, lol i didn't see ur post b4, i think we posted simultaneously but lol we got the same idea
I've actually been trying to do the opposite of this for years. I know it wouldn't help with engineering, but I miss that feeling of being able to listen to music from a non-musician's perspective. Ever since I started playing guitar I haven't been able to listen to guitar based music without picturing what the guitarist is doing, (or the drummer or anyone else for that matter) and it sucks automatically analyzing songs all the time, even if it's at a minor level.

Non-musicians I think can hear music in it's most purest form because they have no idea whats going on, which musicians I think lose as soon as they learn an instrument. I suppose musicians can also appreciate certain aspects of a performance in ways non-musicians never even think of, but it comes at a price. It becomes harder to hear music as a whole seemless entity.

Kind of like at the end of the first matrix movie when Neo can suddenly see all the code in the walls and stuff when he realized he was 'The One'. It could be valuable for sure, but it can definitely be less pretty, and sometimes even downright annoying. Anyone else feel me on this one?
I totally agree. I usually think of films and the film makers, and what they see when they watch other people's movies. They must not see the same thing the average moviegoer sees.

Definitely applies to music and the music creators, too.