Want List. Mutiilation, Moonblood, Vlad Tepes, Belketre etc..


Jul 6, 2003
Melbourne, Australia
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Just a want list, if you have any and are willing to sell at a fair price let me know, PM me or email me WotanicWarrior@hotmail.com

Absurd - Asgardsrei LP
Absurd - Tontenberg 7" EP
Absurd - Facta...LP
Belketre - Ambre.. CD
Capricornus - Stahlgewitter 7" EP
Capricornus/Aryan Blood Split MC
Clandestine Blaze - The Fire Burns In Our Hearts LP
Clandestine Blaze - Fist Of The Northern Destroyer LP
Mutiilation - Satanist Stryken MC
Mutiilation - Black Imperial Blood MC
Mutiilation - Vampires Of Black Imperial Blood - DLP/CD Original Or Re-Release.
Mutiilation - Hail Satanas...EP
Mutiilation - Remains... LP and CD
Mutiilation/Deathspell Omega LP
Moonblood - The Winter Falls Over The Land MC
Moonblood - Unholy Black Metal T-shirt
Moonblood - Blut Und Krieg LP/MC
Moonblood - Taste Our German Steel LP
Moonblood/Deathspell Omega LP
Graveland - Thousand Swords (lethal Records version)
Deathspell Omega/Cladestine Blaze LP
Deathspell Omega - Infernal Battles LP
Vermeth - Your Ruin LP
Vlad Tepes/Torgeist Split CD/LP
Vlad tepes - An Ode To Our Ruin CD
Vlad Tepes - War Funeral March CD
Vlad Tepes/Belketre Split cd
Just a not for Divine_Intent, but i do not want these items because they are rare, i want them because i appreciate the music, the people who want them just because they are rare are the ones on eBay who have paid up to $350US for the Vlad Tepes/Belketre - March To The Black Holocaust CD, and $300 for Moonblood LP, i am not like that, i expect someone who has honour for Black Metal to sell or trade at fair prices, not fucking stupid Jewish prices. Those people don't care for the music or the band, they just want to look cool by having it, even though it makes them look stupid paying that much for a cd or LP, or even a MC. i mean fuck i saw a BOOTLEG version of Torgeist's "Devoted To Satan" go for $120 US, and people who sell the Moonblood - Taste Our German Steel LP for $300US, even all the Moonblood bootleg CDs (Moonblood have never released an official cd) go for sometimes up to $120US. Thats how stupid some people are. So i just want to make it known to you that i do not want these items to try and make money from them or to look 'cool' with.
Divine_intent said:
I fucking hate traders.They just want this stuff cause its Rare.

I trade, sell even distribute around the year, and I so keep rare items in my collection, espescially when over_bastards feel obliged to injects their undermensch comments to shine.
And The DO - CB - Capricornus/AB ones are worth a listen yes, but sold out ... and gone!
Sorry.I see so many of these fucking jews everywhere.I enjoy the music too and i think its a shame that disgusting trendy people collect this stuff just cause its rare and they think they can sell it for more on ebay later on.
It's no problems mate, i can understand why you'd think i was a jew trying to make money off dam good music, a lot of the honour in black metal is now dead because of these scumbag kikes. Maybe one day it will all change.
Yeah mate,
Blutrienheit Productions are making it, it is going to be limited to 200 copies, on 220gr heavy vinyl, and it'll have different sound etc..Should be a fucknig killer release, i can't wait for it. Better get my copy fast before the Jews do!! haha.
VitalMarcus, i agree with you mate, it sucks how people feel the need to spend that much on great releases which they probably don't even like or appreciate. I say we find these fucks put them in the showers of Auchswitz and turn the GAS on, and then burn them, if they wish to act like Jews then they should be treated like Jews!!! (And then take their CDs/Vinyls) haha. sorry if i am talknig shit, but i am a bit drunk at the moment.