Want to Know Who Glenn Has Hand-Picked to Work Backstage? PART TWO

Actually - not that bad... soft tissue doesn't hurt all that much the 2nd time.. just BURNED when it tore.
It was the walking on it AFTER that hurt ! And the long ride home (we drove that year). lol
Wayniac said:
Actually - not that bad... soft tissue doesn't hurt all that much the 2nd time.. just BURNED when it tore.
It was the walking on it AFTER that hurt ! And the long ride home (we drove that year). lol

And that year we had a very skeletal crew so Wayne toughing it out was essential to the fest actually going as well as it did! He did drink quite a bit that first day though, which I think helped him get over the 'burn'. :) That first year in the Earthlink was total hustle or limpy in Wayne's case...we were as green as we could be but we got through it...