want to upload new cob video


Jun 27, 2004
I have a video of 2 minutes 28 seconds of sixpounder at wacken. i want to upload it to somewhere, like delts server or something. how would i do that?
that video is incomplete, is there a reason you don't have the full version?
but still, thats a huge crowd, pretty awesome
It's from the wacken trailer thing with Motorhead, Hypocrisy, Cannibal Corpse and more. (same kinda thing like "Hate Me" at Wacken 2002)

You can hear intro til main solo and cut, so again not the whole song. And the pictures you see are not only from sixpounder. If you don't believe me watch Roopes guitars in the first few seconds :erk:

It sounds pretty good :rock: I wish someone had the whole concert:kickass:
...the German TV (VIVA) showed two times half an hour of Wacken - with shots from campingground/area and some bands. The other bands' songs were played fully, though, and I was about to scream when they cutted Sixpounder, which in fact is one of my fav songs. But they just had this half an hour and surely wanted to show as much as possible - nevertheless I could kill them because they of course cutted one of the two songs I wanted to see (second was Nevermore - generally they hardly showed a band I'm into). But I was there anyway and stood first row, so it's not that bad! ;)
Did anyone notice that alexi fucked up those solos alot? Thats what he gets for wearing his guitar so damn low. He always is out of time in the first solo where he does the tapping stuff. Also their guitar sound in that and the tuska vid sounds like a giant shit for rhythm.
Um, im not saying im that good, im saying if he wants to play them he should be, or at least be pretty close.
dude he didnt even fuck up the solo that bad it only a small part...lots of bands have small fuck ups every now and then
at 1:37 it goes to hell pretty bad, the rest of the first solo is damn near perfect, and the second one screws up pretty badly with timing every few seconds. I do stuff like that too when i wear my guitar at my waist.
Poof Daddy said:
Um, im not saying im that good, im saying if he wants to play them he should be, or at least be pretty close.

And I'm saying that every guitarist playing a live gig makes a huge amount of mistakes. The day you can play a 90 minute live show with absolutely no mistakes, let me know and I'll book you to play at my birthday party. :grin:
Missiles said:
You'll have to call John Petrucci then. :D

Did you happen to have his personal phone number? I'd call him right away. :Spin: Though I think it would be a bit late to book him for my next birthday which is in Januray. :erk: