
Savatage Fanatic
Sep 13, 2004
Houston, Texas, USA, Earth
Hello - My name is Chris and this will be my fourth PP. The past 3 years, I have been too wasted to meet hardly any new metal friends. Hell, I was too wasted to see a lot of the bands!! This year I will be sober and my goal is to see EVERY band, including the Showcase, All-Star Jam and PP IX announcement. This year , if I don't like the band, I may not watch all their set, but I'll be back for the next one!!

I have reclaimed my life and will NEVER again trade my music for ANYTHING!!

I am an old dude (56), about 6' tall with hair about half way down my back. At the Showcase, I will have on a Krucible shirt, but the rest of the time, it will be Savatage (Hail the mighty SAVATAGE!!). If you are at the Showcase, I will be headbanging my ass off on the left side against the rail. Please come up to me and introduce yourself. I would like to know your screen name. If you have business cards, I would like to swap.

This festival is the way music should be presented. We don't have to worry about an errant crowd surfer or a mosh pit opening up (the one time I saw one at PP, Glenn was on it like stink on shit!!). People are there for the music and comaraderie. I have missed both in the past.

I look forward to meeting a lot of you.

In Metal,
Chris :headbang:
hey Chris!

Don't forget to check the thread for posting pictures to help familiarize yourself a little bit, there will also be a poster at the show itself.

Don't feel stupid to ask, "Are you X from the boards?" We've all done it...

And last but not least, post a picture of yourself (Before Tuesday I think is the deadline) on the thread with the pictures so we can try and find you too.

Saying you're the long haired guy headbanging doesn't help narrow it down and I'll be looking for you.

Hello - My name is Chris and this will be my fourth PP. The past 3 years, I have been too wasted to meet hardly any new metal friends.
That's odd... the past six years I've been too drunk not to make new friends. However, I find, as I drink more and more, I become more and more charming.:heh:

I will handle this ProgPower the way I always do... I'll see the bands I want to see, miss the bands I don't want to see, and allow the amount of fun I'm having socializing, dictate whether or not I check out those bands who I'm on the fence about. Which is to say, I'll most likely miss those bands I'm on the fence about.:kickass:

Hello - My name is Chris and this will be my fourth PP. The past 3 years, I have been too wasted to meet hardly any new metal friends. Hell, I was too wasted to see a lot of the bands!! This year I will be sober and my goal is to see EVERY band, including the Showcase, All-Star Jam and PP IX announcement. This year , if I don't like the band, I may not watch all their set, but I'll be back for the next one!!

I have reclaimed my life and will NEVER again trade my music for ANYTHING!!

I am an old dude (56), about 6' tall with hair about half way down my back. At the Showcase, I will have on a Krucible shirt, but the rest of the time, it will be Savatage (Hail the mighty SAVATAGE!!). If you are at the Showcase, I will be headbanging my ass off on the left side against the rail. Please come up to me and introduce yourself. I would like to know your screen name. If you have business cards, I would like to swap.

This festival is the way music should be presented. We don't have to worry about an errant crowd surfer or a mosh pit opening up (the one time I saw one at PP, Glenn was on it like stink on shit!!). People are there for the music and comaraderie. I have missed both in the past.

I look forward to meeting a lot of you.

In Metal,
Chris :headbang:
I'm looking forward to meeting you, dude, as well as many of the other folks who post here, in addition to those of you whom I've already met. I am bringing a first-time fPPUSA festival attendee along with me this year, so it should be very exciting for this individual. Welcome to heavy metal heaven on earth, my friends!:headbang::worship:kickass:
Hello - My name is Chris and this will be my fourth PP. The past 3 years, I have been too wasted to meet hardly any new metal friends.

In Metal,
Chris :headbang:

Actually, I believe we met last year at lunch at Front Page News. Guess the alcohol made a better first impression than I did! I'll be sure to introduce myself again. :lol:
Here is Chris with Shane's sexy wife in the background

However, I find, as I drink more and more, I become more and more charming.:heh:

Maybe it's like billiards when you are drinking. The more you drink, the better you get. It's not until the next morning that you realize that even though you're better at pool when you're drinking, you still end up coming home having lost all of your money. :lol:
Hello - My name is Chris and this will be my fourth PP. The past 3 years, I have been too wasted to meet hardly any new metal friends. Hell, I was too wasted to see a lot of the bands!! This year I will be sober and my goal is to see EVERY band, including the Showcase, All-Star Jam and PP IX announcement. This year , if I don't like the band, I may not watch all their set, but I'll be back for the next one!!

I have reclaimed my life and will NEVER again trade my music for ANYTHING!!

I am an old dude (56), about 6' tall with hair about half way down my back. At the Showcase, I will have on a Krucible shirt, but the rest of the time, it will be Savatage (Hail the mighty SAVATAGE!!). If you are at the Showcase, I will be headbanging my ass off on the left side against the rail. Please come up to me and introduce yourself. I would like to know your screen name. If you have business cards, I would like to swap.

This festival is the way music should be presented. We don't have to worry about an errant crowd surfer or a mosh pit opening up (the one time I saw one at PP, Glenn was on it like stink on shit!!). People are there for the music and comaraderie. I have missed both in the past.

I look forward to meeting a lot of you.

In Metal,
Chris :headbang:

Chris, I'm pretty sure I know who you are, because I tried to buy a HOTMK shirt off your back down there one year. Regardless, I'll look for you and introduce myself. I love to meet people that are hardcores for the mighty TAGE! :headbang::worship:
