"war" in the age of media


kickass elizabethan style
May 2, 2001
Maryland, U.S.
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Perhaps we're all a little sick of this topic, but I have some obvservations I must vent.

We've never before had a "war" in a time when the media (and I don't just mean news) has been such a strong influence on public thought. Sure, there were TVs during WWII or Vietnam, but kids still played outside, etc -- there were other distractions.

It seems that teenagers today have developed this disgusting sense of self-importance because more and more shows cater to their travails. For instance, that show on PBS called American High -- someone actually thought it would be worthwhile to record spoiled little brats at an all-white high school in a rich suburb of Chicago bitching about their parents and their acne and the "cool kids" and how their lives basically suck. EVERY SINGLE SHOW on MTV does the same thing.

Rather than whipping these kids out of their self-pity by smacking them in the face with the $100 jeans bought by their weekly allowances, society goes on catering to them, marketing to them, etc. All this nu-metal shit talks about is how they are the children of divorce, how no one understands them, how everyone is bothering them, whine, whine, whine. None of them have REAL problems, so they create them. And the media repeats it all over and over to the point where it can't be challenged.

Which brings me to what I've observed in the wake of the terrorist incident. Since this is obviously a bigger deal than their acne, people are going waaaay overboard in expressing their supposed pain and anger (since acne was already at the top -- where do you go from there?)

New York is exempted from my wrath, because the carnage there is large enough that I'm sure everybody knows somebody who died. But even here in Washington near the Pentagon, I don't know a single person who knows a single person who knows a single person who died.

On radio stations here, they have created "war remixes," where they throw sound clips of people demanding we fight back into an Enya song, or something equally soundtrack-y. Does anyone else find this completely disgusting?

Again, on the radio last night they had a 2-hour "town hall meeting" where a bunch of snot-nosed punk kids got to "express their feelings." As you can imagine, nothing more profound than "let's nuke 'em!" came out of it. Yuck.

Now, I understand that people in New York and those who knew people killed here in Washington obviously would benefit from counseling. But the vast majority of this country was not affected in ANY WAY WHATSOEVER. Daily lives go on with no changes. People still talk to their friends on their expensive cell phones. People still look forward to the Friends season premiere. People still get drunk every weekend and hook up. Dorks like me still waste too much time on message boards. :rolleyes: Nothing has changed. And yet, everyone is having a big pity party because it's expected of us.

No doubt some will call me callous. Probably the same ones who yelled at me for critiquing Bush.

Anyway, do any of you have a bone to pick with the media? Lord knows there are many other issues related to it than the one I just mentioned.
I love the fact that now we are privy to every know detail of bin Laden's history and becoming ever so much better versed in the atrocities inflicted upon the people by the Taliban, while we still don't know what proof it is the US gov. has to make Laden chief suspect.
as i posted on another thread, all of the people associated with the terrorist pilots (friends, family, etc) had links to bin laden or al qaeda, his organization. it's not that big of a stretch to assume he's involved.
Interesting thoughts...

I "think" the intentions may be good, but as you said, media has changed. There is nothing wrong with venting, speaking out, etc. It is nothing more than a coping skill in order to deal with what surrounds you.

I heard that Enya remix - doesn't interest me, and people made $$ on it - ahh, capitalism in the face of terror.

Yes, our lives continue as before, or so it seems on the surface. How can you not admit that the USA we've known has changed. Just like it changed for the people who lived through WWII. The difference here TODAY is - we are ALL (us here, the media, the world) talking about an event that is in its infant stage, a piece of history that has yet to be written. We are all speculating the future. Someone should capture all that is written and said today, and compare to what will be written/said in 10 years (or some future time). We already know what has changed in past "wars", because it is just that - the past.

Your last question - media bone picking? BIG TIME.

Here in Boston, the media today comes out with the following - there is a threat of terrorist attack tomorrow, but go about your daily business. Or what about the reports of the potential of chemical or biological warfare? I'm naturally scared by the events that transpired on the 11th - I certainly don't need to be fed more crap to think about. It serves no purpose other than to petrify people - and of course, it's a great story to print/speak/show on TV. The media still needs to make $$. I hate the media of today - I hate TV/movies/mainstream music. Its not unbiased - its intentionally directed at an ignorant/naive public who buys into it all. I read and listen to all of this - but I am objective. I honestly watch no TV, other than occasional sports. I rent movies for entertainment. I read/listen to news to be informed. Of course I listen to music, but if you check my other post - the media is attacking it too.

The media is one of the reasons so much of the rest of the world hates us. We are a nation of propaganda - others are sick of Americas words and values being thrown on them. They live differently, so our media isn't geared for them.

One last thing though - as much as I'm tired of the media and its garbage, it is the only way to get the word out and teach the rest of the ignorant world what is really going on here. I think only a minority comprehend what this war on terrorism means.
Originally posted by Lina
as i had links to bin laden it's not that big of a stretch to ass me

seriously though, I think the Afgan government has repeatedly made announcements along the lines of 'show us the proof and you'll have your man. It would be a lot more difficult (notice I didn't use the synonym for difficult that starts with H, everyone's got to watch what they're typing from now on...) for other extreme Muslims to find fault in Bush's strategy of giving ultimatums if the evidence was clearly presented.
Originally posted by metalmancpa
Interesting thoughts...

Yes, we are ALL (us here, the media, the world) are talking about Your last bone BIG TIME.

I certainly don't need to crap to think about It - and of course, it's a great story to print/speak/show on TV. The media still needs to make $$.

This is just getting out of hand....
Anyway, do any of you have a bone to pick with the media? Lord knows there are many other issues related to it than the one I just mentioned.

I agree, all day whenever im on the computer my mom watches talk shows and such. If Oprah brings someone else on her show to tell their story and make the audience cry i am going to puke. I am only interested in the actual news not someone's personal loss, things like that are only going to make the people who care more upset anyway. I could never really tell my family the way i feel. They would feel like the majority of other Americans, "how can you not be sad" , and think that i hated my country or was some kind of heartless maniac. I don't know. I just know, Yes, i am annoyed. They would never understand the term existentianlist, neither do i for that matter. :p
The israeli-palestinian crisis is a perfect example of how the media can be used in war. how many of you saw the pictures of the palestinian kid that was caught in the crossfire? now how many of you heard about the israeli girl that was shot by a sniper?
Actually, Lina, I'm finally realizing why your statements about Bush offended me so much. Your presentation needed work. Free speech is fine, but "Bushbashing=FUN", and the like, is a little biased and irrational. Anyway, all is forgiven. On to the subject at hand.

I agree. I'm utterly sick of the media trying to jerk a few more tears from America. For example, I heard about a "candle light service" last Tuesday, (a week after t=0), in which everyone who was willing, (in America), was supposed to go outside their houses at 10:30 PM, (or around there), Eastern Time, and light a candle. At exactly that time, a satellite was supposedto have taken a picture it would be posted somewhere the next day. What a load of crap. What is this? A circus? Where we take cute commemorative pictures of candles, and see how much brighter it makes our country? (Needless to say, my family participated.) No one has a 10 day long funeral. They generally last a few hours, and people go home, and begin their lives again. And like Lina said, I don't know a damn person that died that day. The sheer hatred of these people affected me initially, and the loss of lives due to it is regretable, but how long can this charade continue? I believe the guilty should be brought to justice, but I don't believe in killing because of principle...making an example out of someone. It is ignorant to want to nuke Afganistan, and it is silly for such a thing to outrage people into a blind confusion, (except in NYC and DC), and want retaliation and destruction.

I strayed from the topic.

Yes, the media is way out of line. Playing upon people's feelings over and over, riling them up to destroy, destroy, destroy. the biasing is so blatant it hurts.
Public opinion is the power and media is the deciding factor - why do you think I'm constantly making arrangements to be people's Minister of Propaganda? Who'll REALLY be in power?

Now, for the highly arguable aforementioned statement "public opinion is the power", people have to realize that the REAL WAR here isn't between U.S. military and terrorists, it's the international court of public opinion on the morality of U.S. foreign policy (I've said this before and gotten no response). Bush's speech made the simple ultimatum of "you're with us or the terrorists", which is ...fine, but for it to have a positive impact, the U.S. is going to have to watch it's steps very carefully so that public opinion rests with them. It's been quite apparent even on this forum that there are many people who do not approve of the U.S.'s actions over the past 50 years, and (I'm pretty sure) none of them are even angry religious fanatics, unlike those to be concerned about.

Osama bin Laden's current aim, I'd be willing to bet, is to not simply kill random americans, but to make the governement of the United States look as bad as possible. IN FACT, I'd go so far as to say that his NOT claiming responibility for the attacks (a first for him, I've been led to understand) has something to do with that - if he's never conclusively convicted of the attacks and he's killed, he could die in some people's (just the right people's) eyes a martyr to his cause, which he would certainly love, and many more will join that cause. Of course, a media slant going his way to possible recruits is important, and CNN (yes, I know) has reported he has a fully operational media facility creating all sorts of propaganda. Again - media for power.

This is why I've proposed the United States apologize for past stances in light of the fact that they've been awoken finally to the brutality of terrorism others have known of for long, and invite any and all nations willing into a true coalition (Not this "we'll make the decisions, washington will send you our orders, with us or against us" ultimatum-type stance) for countries to fight terrorism together. Address existing concerns, look back on past actions in this new light, apologize where necessary, propose to move forward together. It'll never happen, but...

Further Hoser rants on this topic back here: http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/showthread.php?s=&postid=40457#post40457
I'd go so far as to say that his NOT claiming responibility for the attacks (a first for him, I've been led to understand)

he has always denied responsibility for all the attacks that he has be (very strongly) suspected of carrying out...the 93 trade centre bomb, the us embassy bombings, the attack on the USS Cole...this is generally because each time america tries to get him extradiated the country he stays in says, okay if you give us proof, and then ignore any proof their given...this would be alot harder if bin Laden actually admitted he did it, or was responsible in some way...

as for war in the media, i think war is a massively over used word...you have the 'war' on drugs, 'war' on poverty, and so on...now 'war' on terrorism...people are starting to equate any strong action as 'war'...if a politian didn't say 'war' on terrorism...but said 'arrest and trial of' or 'limited, surgical military strikes against' ppl think he just pussy footing around, they expect 'war'...war is two or more nations or groups of nations of roughly compatable strenght, fighting in a long, protracted, serise of battles using conventional means...war is not chest beating, hours and hours of speaches, and then the bombing from a great hight a ppl with no means of defending themselves, and war certainly isn't 'taking a slightly tougher stance against drugs'...and to call it so degrads the memory of all those who fought and died in actual, meaningful wars
Sorry, as I'm in a hurry I haven't had time to read the above posts, (I will do later tho - when I have got the computer for more than a few minutes). I'd just like to say I dissaprove of the medias reaction to the America thing. I've been told many times Bin Laden is to blame, but not once on any program have I been given a single scrap of evidence. While if he is to blame, he should be punished, I don't think it fair that the media is already biasing the public against him with no proof. Admittedly the American Government has said he is their main suspect, but I think they should at least give some reasons so we know they are not just trying to find someone to blame. I'm not suggesting they should give all the evidence, or even most of it as it may well be confidential, I'd just like to see some proof of the fact that he was responsible..... Basically I think the media's coverage has been hugely prejudicial against certian countries etc, just one example being the palestinians shown dancing actually being footage from the end of the gulf war (as pointed out by someone on the board a while ago).....
Wow, that video footage was from the end of the Gulf War? It's one thing when the media exaggerates, (which we're seeing too damn much of that today too), but it's far worse thing when it all out lies. I don't like the idea that even official sources of news feed me lies. It's too bad that it's so true. Makes me wonder what I actually can turn to for the truth, if anything.