War Pigs.... covered

peptide X

metal pirate!
Nov 12, 2007
state of denial
back on the subject of Black Sabbath :kickass:, the local radio station (which is the best I can do for music during my commute if I need traffic info) has started playing Cake's cover of War Pigs. I wanted to like it - I really did. Some of their older stuff entertained me, but really, it's flat and lifeless. :zombie: I appreciate the effort Cake put forth to do a lil social commentary... but metal they are not! I was reminded of the awfulness of their cover while listening to the 1970 Basement Tapes version of Sabbath War Pigs this afternoon - NO comparison! Irksome cover!

Anyway, if you're curious, and haven't been subjected to the version before (it's been out, apparently, since August)
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You sir, fail at posting YOUTUBE links! :lol:

And for the record, I think I speak for everyone when I say that NO ONE is interested in hearing a crappy 90's college band attempting to cover one of the most important metal songs of all time.
Will you be going to the Dolls show at The Vic on 01.05.08?
Know anything about their openers this time around?

Yep, of course I'm going...I bet half the people at this board are going, aren't they?* But seriously, if I flew out to Portland just to see Amanda Palmer, I guess I should see the Dresden Dolls when they're playing in Chicago, right?

I know that "Meow Meow" is some sort of burlesque/vaudevillian(?) woman that Amanda fell in love with a while ago. Makes me a little scared. Don't know about Two Ton Boa though. But in my experience, even though the openers as DD shows can be rather hit-or-miss, they're unfailingly "interesting".


*If they had any sense at all, they would be going!
Apparently none of you have ever heard Primus' version of N.I.B. w/ Ozzy on vocals. The bass playing on it is incredible. Also Sepultura did Sympthom Of The Universe and it kicked mayor ass.