

Jul 27, 2004
Hi...probably a really overdone thread, but gotta start somewhere.

I've been using most of the licks from Reap N Roll as my warmups/ speed-builders, but unfortunately I have to go away to a camp (for my little brothers 'protection') there I will be armed only with a fucking cheap acoustic piece of 21 fret shit. Although i've had alot of experience with acoustics I've never really used them to build up speed.

Basically what I'm asking for is any licks/riffs/scales/anything to use on an acoustic guitar that'll help me maintain and hopefully build some more speed up while I'm at this 'once in a lifetime opportunity' camp.

Thanks guys

EDIT: Forgot to mention, preferably standard tuning, the guitar doesn't take kindly to being detuned...lousy piece of crap
Yeah, after giving it more thought, I think i'll just stick with my normal warmups, how bad can bodom sound on an acoustic :) thanks for your input anyway.
Try playing some of the new black label society, or even Speedball which is on 1919 (i think), play that clean on acoustic and you fucking rock :D
well i start with Yngwie's blitzkreig, then i move on to altitudes by Jason Becker, then i try some TOny Mac, and then im good to go. . .

Gotta love the Mario Theme tune for fingering excercises! Anyway, I've decided what I'ma do now, I'm going to learn.....chords. :zipit: I've purchased a fucking massive theory book, going to try and brush up on that for a while, also got "Its easy to bluff...metal guitar" good read, explains sweep picking really well, but not as good as Alexi does on Excericse 18 on Reap n Roll.

Anyway, thanks again for your advice, I'ma check out Speedball....Ywingies fucking outta my leauge
You could try Jason Becker's "Air". It is very very hard. But it's made for acoustic and if your going to be there for a bit, you may have chance to learn it. Plus it will cover a lot of areas of practise while your learning it.

If you come back and can play it fully. It will sure be something to use if you want to impress people, and it is a beautiful piece.