warning..goto the billy milano UM forum...and read the shit about nevermore, see belo





Putting all things with Billy out of the picture...what is the general opinion of Nevermore?

I love power metal. I recently downloaded their latest album,This Godless Endeavor, after hearing such rave reviews. What a disappointment. This is crap of epic proportions. Jeff Loomis is nothing to speak of...wow, another guy who can sweep pick...snore!

Anyway...I was so pissed off at this purchase that I wrote this review on RateYourMusic if anyone is interested:

"Godless indeed! If there is a god, he would not have allowed this album to be recorded...or at least he would have mercy on us and destroy every copy. This is an incredibly overrated album from an equally overrated band. This sounds like a cross between a heavy Queensryche and Mr. Roboto...Kilroy was here...and left holding his ears! From beginning to end, this sounds like one continuous track broken up by an occassional acoustic interlude. I'm glad I only spent 10 bucks to download this crap from iTunes, but I'm angry I spent even that much!

Jeff Loomis is an overrated guitarist. He possesses technical prowess, but lacks the emotion and sense of melody of a true guitar hero. I've heard him compared to Yngwie, which is ludicrous. As for the singer, Rob Halford didn't sound this queer on his gayest day. Sure these guys can play, but there is a serious lack of melody, hooks, and excitement that are the integral ingredients of power metal.

Don't waste your time or money...for this album is truly a godless endeavor."

Just curious if anyone else here has an opinion.
But, it's not that people have a different opinion,
it's a fact, that Billy Milano is a fucking asshole.
I would love kick him in the nuts, except for
the fact that he would then get a bunch of free
How rude! I don't hate for not liking certain bands, but when one goes to an all-out ridicule and assault on a band that clearly doesn't deserve it; now that just makes me angry. How can you say Jeff Loomis is an overrated guitarist? He really is that damn good! He can do a lot more than just bust out some sweeps, that's a no-brainer. Now what really angered me was when he said those horrible things about Warrel, comparing him to Rob Halford's homosexuality! Warrel Dane is an amazing vocalist. Gosh. That nigga be crazy,
on_THC_24-7 said:
But, it's not that people have a different opinion,
it's a fact, that Billy Milano is a fucking asshole.
I would love kick him in the nuts, except for
the fact that he would then get a bunch of free
Seasons_Of_Destruction said:
How rude! I don't hate for not liking certain bands, but when one goes to an all-out ridicule and assault on a band that clearly doesn't deserve it; now that just makes me angry. How can you say Jeff Loomis is an overrated guitarist? He really is that damn good! He can do a lot more than just bust out some sweeps, that's a no-brainer. Now what really angered me was when he said those horrible things about Warrel, comparing him to Rob Halford's homosexuality! Warrel Dane is an amazing vocalist. Gosh. That nigga be crazy,

Like you've never insulted a band before.
It's one thing to constructively not like a cd, or pick it apart constructively, but BM (wow...who would have though his initials would be that telling!) didn't issue anything constructive. Just pissing and moaning. To say NM and JL have no melody or talent - what was he listening to anyway? You don't have to like the style, the content, or even just the direction they took with a particular cd, but his review was nothing of the sort. Just as his initials state, he's one big doody.
rebirth..... said:


Anyway...I was so pissed off at this purchase that I wrote this review on RateYourMusic if anyone is interested:

Jeff Loomis is an overrated guitarist. He possesses technical prowess, but lacks the emotion and sense of melody of a true guitar hero. I've heard him compared to Yngwie, which is ludicrous. As for the singer, Rob Halford didn't sound this queer on his gayest day. Sure these guys can play, but there is a serious lack of melody, hooks, and excitement that are the integral ingredients of power metal.

Funny because

a: nevermore arent a powermetal band
b: Jeff Loomis plays the most emotional solos in metal (ie heart collector, engines of hate, tge, etc etc) and his note selection is of a rare breed (again, engines of hate, believe in nothing, narcosynthesis).

I find if funny how a fan who knows nothing about music or guitar playing can claim Loomis doesnt have 'emotion and a sense of melody' when other prominant guitar players and musicians sing his praise on a daily basis (akerfeldt, sanders, petrucci, mustaine, the list goes on).

So, not that Nevermore is the most complex band in the world, but it's obvious you just dont have the mental capacity to actually listen to what you are hearing.
Coldplay > Nevermore

The oppinion of a coldplay fan. Doesnt mean shit to me. Just like who ever this guy is. I dont know who Billy Milano, nor do i give a shit about him or his worthless oppinions.

good stuff rebirth, it gave me a good laugh to hear someone say that Loomis is boring haha.