Warrant out for Crue's Vince Neil


Metal Madman
Feb 15, 2002
Northern Michigan
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LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Motley Crue's Vince Neil is wanted on a misdemeanor battery warrant for allegedly punching a record producer outside a West Hollywood nightclub last April, the district attorney's office reported.

A warrant for Neil's arrest was issued Wednesday, said district attorney spokeswoman Jane Robison. If convicted, the heavy metal band's lead singer could face a maximum of six months in jail and a $2,000 fine.

Neil's manager, Burt Stein, called the allegation ridiculous, predicting the 41-year-old singer would be "completely exonerated."

Michael Schuman said he was standing outside the Rainbow Room nightclub just after midnight on April 28 when Neil arrived in a red Rolls-Royce sedan, got out and punched him in the face.

Schuman, 47, fell to the ground, fracturing an elbow, while Neil stood over him and taunted him, according to the record producer's attorney, Trent Copeland.

The attorney said there was a delay in prosecuting the case because Neil no longer lives in the area and detectives were unable to locate him.

Stein said Neil has cooperated fully with Los Angeles County sheriff's investigators.
:lol: I thought you meant the stupid band Warrant wanted to recruit Vince Neil! Ah... hair bands thank god their all washed up.
Fuck Vince Neil!!!!!! His day is Done. Motly Crue was a half decent band until all that shit happened in the early Nineties. Now they are trying to live on Memories, and nobody gives a shit.
I actually didn't mind their most recent album "New Tattoo"...it actually seemed to recapture some of their previous glory.

Then they went and fucked over Anthrax on the minimum rock tour, and that sealed the coffin again for me.