WARRANT's JERRY DIXON: JANI LANE's Death Was 'A Sad Ending To Something That Was Real


Purveyor of the Unique & Distinct
Staff member
Sep 30, 2001
Virginia, USA
In a brand new interview with Metal Sludge, WARRANT bassist Jerry Dixon spoke about the tragic passing of the band's former frontman Jani Lane, who suffered from "acute ethanol poisoning" when he died in August 2011 at a Comfort Inn motel room in Woodland Hills, California. The singer had battled alcoholism for years and also had a history of alcohol-related arrests."That whole story was just a bad ending to something that was good," Jerry said. "I'm not going to lie. It was bad for a long time, too, when he was with us, but it's just a sad ending to something that was really good, and he was really talented. A lot of painful memories and a lot of great memories."He continued: "It was brutal to see someone go through something like that and not be able to help him or for him to change his ways. It was frustrating not being able to fix it, that path to destruction. We would point him in the right direction, but it would last just a short period. It was ugly. It was ugly to see him forget the words on stage. Basically, it was like he wasn't really there, and he ended up quitting."Dixon added: "We had all gotten back together [in 2008] with good intentions. He was back from rehab. It was all there for him with sober coaches on the road to help battle his demons, and that just didn't seem to work. The whole thing just sucked. To play music together, to be a friend and like a family member, to see someone in that addicted state, that's brutal."Lane originally left WARRANT in March 1993 but rejoined the band in September 1994. The group went on to record the "Ultraphobic" (1995), "Belly To Belly" (1996) and "Greatest & Latest" (1999) albums and issued and collection of covers, "Under The Influence", in 2001. Jani quit WARRANT again in 2004 before reuniting with the group four years later.WARRANT's current lineup includes original members Dixon, Erik Turner, Steven Sweet and Joey Allen, along with former LYNCH MOB singer Robert Mason.
