Warren Ellis


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Went to Comic Con last week. Highlight was going to this dude's panel, then quickly running home to read Transmetropolitan for the first time in years. Quickly ordered a few TPB and his new novel, as well as subscribing to several of his RSS feeds. The man is a fucking genius, and I'm sorry I haven't paid attention to his brilliant ass since the late-90s.

Lies and Perfidity + Necromunchkin, your presence(s) is expected here.

PS: listening to Allman Bros. right now. It all makes SNES.

:kickass: Got see him at Atomic Comics Monday. Missed sleep and was sick as hell, but was worth getting both Transmetropolitan and Crooked Little Vein signed. Btw, CLV is freaking hilarious yet still has the greatest insight on American Culture.

What TPB did you pick up, was it "Fell"?
I read the first trade release of Fell a few weeks ago. It's pretty goddamn awesome stuff, tracking a somewhat neurotic policeman who's been transferred to a nightmarish slum city with three and a half active police officers (one's a cripple.) In the grand Ellis tradition, it's filled with psychoses, cynical and hilarious dialogue, and horrible human beings doing horrible things to one another. There's a kinda cool touch in the city Fell works in having a notable Vietnamese & Cambodian population, which is of course just a new culture to pull fucked-up shit from. I recommend it.

I heard Ellis is gonna be replacing Joss Whedon on Astonishing X-Men after Whedon finishes a last run. That is going to be fucking interesting.
I'm still making my way through Transmetropolitan, I read the first several TPB some years back, but never finished it. Next Borders gift certifishit that Discover sends me will go toward polishing off that series. :kickass:

http://www.freakangels.com/ shall rock

So Fell should be on me list then? Mode it be.
Damn right it should. He won some awards for it last year and rightly so. Fairly atypical for his approach, but works beautifully.

Transmet is completely over the top, but it attacks current issues so acutely and sharply it's hard not to marvel at it.