Warriors vs. Roosters


Apr 14, 2001
Well, any predictions? If nothing else, it will be a spectacle to watch as both teams throw the ball around the park like its a timebomb or something :)

Its on Saturday night too, thats good, I thought it would be Sunday night, which would suck ass.

Dont know who I will support yet, im finding it hard to care which team wins... Ill decide later in the week. Maybe the team with the most retiring players perhaps.
Isn't Monday a holiday in NSW anyway? That's partly the reason they use to justify having it on a Sunday night, so the kiddies and the fans "from the bush" don't have to worry about getting up the next morning. No thought for people in Queensland or in New Zealand (but hey, they can wait until 11pm for the game to finish, don't worry about them).
I went to last year's one, but I should have waited and gone this year instead. Oh well.

Spawny, I'm 99% sure Monday is a public holiday. I'll even find proof for ya.
For some. We don't get another public holiday until Christmas. Not that it bothers me much because I'm an unemployed bum. :) or maybe that should be :(