Was Anyone Else Overwhelmed By Manlove From The Singer From Withem?

Paul LaPlaca

Jul 28, 2011
I thought I might be gay after meeting Ragnar from POS but after being kissed in the Courtyard 7 or 8 times by the drunken, scratchy beard faced singer of Withem I'm 100% straight again.

To paraphrase Martin Landeau in Ed Wood,

"I think he's a honey."

Has to be one of the most attractive men I have ever met. But I had the potential gay kicked out of me, lol.
Did you see his beautiful hair? I noticed it. And I was in the top row on the other side of the venue.
I saw him spend a solid 30 to 40 seconds checking his hair in the mirror in the men's room on Saturday. Considering what a disaster area that bathroom became, he had to be pretty dedicated to spend that much time in there.