Was curious what you guys think of this so far. (Happydjent)

i think you did a little too much chopping on the guitar. sounds like a piano guitar almost to me. unless digital is what you are going for of course. i think the snare needs more snap. the kick is a little thin. cymbals are good. bass is good. lead could be a bit louder but not much. its a good mix, just needs a little bit of tweaking.
i think you did a little too much chopping on the guitar. sounds like a piano guitar almost to me. unless digital is what you are going for of course. i think the snare needs more snap. the kick is a little thin. cymbals are good. bass is good. lead could be a bit louder but not much. its a good mix, just needs a little bit of tweaking.


The drums are generally pretty thin and lifeless. The guitars are also generally lacking in that djenty punch.
What should I bring up to get the guitar a little more djenty? Thanks for the crits too, I'll try another go at the mix.
I'm not listening on my monitors currently, so I can't give the most accurate critique, but it sounds like they could use a little more drive and a little less honk in the 2k. They could also use some 700-800hz boosting.
could i have the di's for this? and the midi? id like to practice mixing djent but no one around here plays it.

Edited the snare and kick. Can anyone tell me what they would think would work best for the snare. I can't get it sounding right. I'm using a mix of Slate snare 15 and 18 on this and it just doesn't work too well.

Well guitars sounds much better now.. BUT! wtf man that snare sound is so fake! it has to much reverb and sounds like an aluminum sheet.
boost 200hz for the snare and try to use one of the SD 2.0 snares.
I'll try, I just can't get a good snare sound for my life no matter what I do. Drums as a whole are really tough for me to get a grip of.