Was it Worth it?


Bunch Me I Pleed
Feb 22, 2009
Does anyone have the slightest idea of when the video will be released?
im super eager to see it! Not just because it's COB but also because chris cole tricks over alexi during a solo!!!!
Any other Chris Cole fans out there!?

Now that im sure most of us has heard the song
what are your opinions?
To be honest i really love it, im happy that its a newish sound and it honestly makes me just
want to crack a beer and party just like Alexi said.
The rest of the album will be totally different im sure.
Whats your guys thoughts!?
jup. i skate and i'm a chris cole fan too. :rolleyes: But i dont think that there will be sick tricks. Reading forum i have noticed that not everyone likes this whole skater thing :)
I Think it will be released in december although i hate the combination of skaters and cob ,but that's my opinion
But i dont think that there will be sick tricks.

Yeah of course it would be stupid to show sick tricks if you're making the first extreme skating vs death metal video.

Reading forum i have noticed that not everyone likes this whole skater thing :)

Not everyone knows how to skate.

I Think it will be released in december although i hate the combination of skaters and cob ,but that's my opinion

Why release in December when the album only comes out at the beginning of March.
Why release in December when the album only comes out at the beginning of March.

'Cause if they filmed it then this song is mixed , and that means as soon as the video will be ready they will release it :saint::loco:
No it does not. If they release it around Christmas, people will check it out on Youtube and think oh, cool vid! and by the time the album is released they have forgotten it.
Yeah of course it would be stupid to show sick tricks if you're making the first extreme skating vs death metal video.

not exactly death metal but yeah... still.

And that's stupid that exist stupid stereotypes about skaters. It's just hobby and it doest make person that you are.
not exactly death metal but yeah... still.

And that's stupid that exist stupid stereotypes about skaters. It's just hobby and it doest make person that you are.

In my country skaters are categorized(?) As a total poze !
And i totally agree with that :p
And can i ask where you live ? :D Ofcourse there is some kids who starts skate just becouse that's cool. ? But they quits it after 1month or so.. And there is'nt good stereotypse about metalheads too.
Stereotypes exist about everything. And there's always little truth in streotypes, that's how they come to be.

Yeah, there's nothing bad about skating, it would actually be pretty fucking cool to be able to do those jumps and tricks, but it takes a certain type of guy to develop an obsession for skateboarding. Then again, is the typical COB fanboy any brighter than a skateboarder dude? :lol: It sort of goes even.
Stereotypes exist about everything. And there's always little truth in streotypes, that's how they come to be.

Quite the opposite, actually, stereotypes are usually born from some true observations. Eventually they lose credibility as people keep over-generalizing/exaggerating and clinging on to them even if they were proven wrong/outdated etc. Which leads me to believe that stereotypes usually have a grain of significant truth, though it can't be taken at face value.

The combination of two in the video has less to do with skateboarders as such and more with the image and their sub-culture, and it hardly mixes well with metal. Metalcore maybe. But that's just gay.
The combination of two in the video has less to do with skateboarders as such and more with the image and their sub-culture, and it hardly mixes well with metal. Metalcore maybe. But that's just gay.

I think that's the point with most people dislikiking the idea of the new COB video. There's nothing wrong with skateboarding itself, it just doesn't fit in a metal video, except some kind of gaycore maybe. But I wouldn't count that as metal. No matter if the band members are passionate skaters etc. it just looks stupid and gay.
Just let the band do its shit with pride and don't waste too much energy trying to decide whether they're metal enough or not. It's still probably a very kickass metal song with extreme skateboarders on the video, so I'm sure the band doesn't give a fuck if we think it's metal or not.
Just let the band do its shit with pride and don't waste too much energy trying to decide whether they're metal enough or not. It's still probably a very kickass metal song with extreme skateboarders on the video, so I'm sure the band doesn't give a fuck if we think it's metal or not.

I agree, that a bad video doesn't hurt if the song is good, and I don't think they care about others opinions about the video anyway.

But I was just expressing my opinion about the videos likely "unmetalness", isn't that why messageboards exist :p But I really don't care about the video much, it's not like I'm going to watch it more than once, it's the song that matters. I think that the video will be meant for viewers of MTV etc.
But I was just expressing my opinion about the videos likely "unmetalness", isn't that why messageboards exist :p But I really don't care about the video much, it's not like I'm going to watch it more than once, it's the song that matters. I think that the video will be meant for viewers of MTV etc.

Maybe the actual stereotype we have is skateboarders are 13 year old school bullies. But these guys are world pros in their late twenties, and the skateboarding is no longer some 'dangerous dude' image thing to them, but a tricky and accident prone art. I think snowboarding looks cooler and moto cross jump tricks look cooler but nothing wrong about skateboarding or bmx tricks. I understand skateboarding would not fit in a very evil and serious metal song video, but since this is supposed to be a "heavy party song" then maybe it fits. Alexi and Chris Cole had the idea for this video for three years and now they made it, since they couldn't do it with Blooddrunk (obviously skateboarding would fit none of the songs on that album), and I'm sure Alexi chose a song from Relentless Reckless Forever that suits the skateboarding theme.
I do wonder what they mean by this:
The first single and video from CHILDREN OF BODOM's Relentless Reckless Forever is the red-blooded new song "Was it Worth It?".
I know you can't trust promotional stuff, but I don't even have a clue what they are trying to say with that.
"Red-blooded" as adjective: high-spirited and strong-willed; vigorous, lusty, etc.

Daaaamn I'm getting a feeling the album is gonna put a smile on our perverted faces. The last two albums were mostly all about the negative energy vibes, except for the Blooddrunk melody etc. What I'm hearing in Shovel Knockout seems electric. Too much melody and party feel can also result in happy hippy songs and that we don't want either, so a good balance is the key. Aggression can also come with joy in heart. Maybe the artwork features a guy murdering his victims with a sick smile on face :D *pours ice inside pants*