waves api 2500

can't say it did anything for me.....
and the eqs dont sound THAT much like the real thing., not by a long shot.
I use both on my masterbus:)

At first the ssl (to give the mix a little glue) with the "andy sneap preset":lol:
(jokes aside he nailed the sweet spot for the plugin on the master bus)

Then I use the waves puiltec emulation
and then I use the allmighty waves api 2500

what was his settings again?
- Masterbus insert chain: Waves SSL compressor, Crane song Tape Simulator and TC Electronic Finalizer
- Masterbus compressor with 2:1 ratio and 4-5dB attenuation at max
- Aims to -10 dB RMS when mastering if its not damaging the sound, otherwise a bit lower

Didnt find the detailed post in the collective questions for Mr. Sneap thread.

If I remember correctly he uses Auto-release, and slow attack