Waves SSL vs. Channelstrip

Red Planet

New Metal Member
Oct 7, 2005
Anyone compared these together? I know channelstrip is loosely based off the SSL channelstrip, has anyone compared it against the waves?

Ive used demos of both, at seperate times and havent used them side by side.
you mean the metric halo one? there's a few channel strips out there :)
I tried the SSL and am absoloutely loving it. Dont know sound wise but the Metric halo channel probably smokes it feature wise.



both look sexy imo.
i have both. and to be honest i love the waves ssl but i ended up not using it at all in my latest stuff. i much prefered channel strip for some reason i was able to dial in what i hear in my head better. they sound very different from each other to my ears as well, cant really compare them IMO.
How would you describe the sound difference? I seem to remember MH channelstrip being easier to do drastic equing. The MH seemed a little more hifi sounding and the waves a little bigger and in your face sounding. Of course I used the two 3 months apart, so I couldnt really compare..

I think ill save some bucks and buy the MH.. maybe get the waves later..
i think your right about the more in your face sounding part. i could dial in a huge fat snare with the ssl really easily and it sounds great and it can also add a really nice aggressive crack as well. i think the compression is also alot different in both as well, with the MH channel strip you have more options with that. im not pro or anthing so my opinion isnt worth much but i do spend alot of time mixing and using these plugs... actually pretty much all of my time. i bought ssl first over channel strip but realized i needed both because they have different sounds. i did a remix for the band vehemence and was able to get really awesome drums sounds with the MH but couldnt quite do it with the ssl but for other things the ssl sounded much better. its a toss up really. if i had to choose one it would be the MH channel strip though.
i own both and use both regularly. i think the mh is cleaner sounding in a good way. the gate is super nice. everything about it is good. the ssl is alittle more vibey. i find that for metal stuff, the ssl strip doesnt work as good as the mh. i think it has more of a rock kind of vibe to it. the mh is more adjustable and also has a huge amount of presets that sound really cool(although i hardly seem to use them is a mix). im probably not saying how i hear the difference right. it just seems to me that the ssl is alittle more rock and mh is alittle better for metal. i love to have both to mess around with though.
Yeah, I have used all the URS plugins. Really do like em. Plenty of different options with the EQ's (Neve, API, SSL modelled) and 3 pretty decent compressors. I haven't used the compressors enough to know which one sounds best in which application. With the EQ's its pretty self explanitory. Their channel strip is pretty cool too. Its a lot more 'simple' than the other 2 posted here. The URS only has 8 knobs on it.
yeah! waves ssl rules!!!
a friend of mine told me he's got the plugins, so i went over there at a day off and had a project i'm working on with me.
i just wanted to play around with it to hear if it's worth the money.

my goal was to use nothing but ssl and urs in the mix ('cept for gates and verb which is waves) , just to see how "real" it sounds.

i'm stunned!
it's not metal at all, so i don't dare posting it here;)
it was a project i recorded with my students at mcnallysmith college (german campus), so the recording was anything but perfect....
ssl saved it (and i had only 1 1/2 hrs for mixing and mastering ).

usually i'm mostly using q8 and c1 as eq and comp. they sound nice and clean, but i feel like ssl-bundle has the ability of glueing things together way better

next time i'll spend money it's gonna be for that bundle!
i just got Waves SSL bundle and them shits be bad!!! i love the G-Equalizer on guitar, and i have ran the drum OH through the E-channel strip and it sounds great. and the kik through the G-master comp sounds good as well. i havent messed with Matric Halo becouse i use a PC of shit, but would like to.:headbang: