way off topic...parenting.....


Mr. Sleepy
Apr 14, 2002
Sweet home Alabama
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This is actually VERY on-topic. It seems as though metal-heads lead the world in not producing offspring. There is nothing wrong with that, but where do our heirs of music come from ?

While, I don't force things I do on to my kids...It is interesting, that the two boys have elected to latch on
to certain bands...
My 8 years old digs Queen, in fact we were watching VH-1 Classic last night and the clip for "Fat Bottom Girls" came on and the old lady was floored that he sang the entire song without missing a line! It was fuckin' great! The little guy also loves Motorhead, Priest, Johnny Cash, Hank III...
My 12 year old has been obsessed with AC/DC he's ripped my entire collection onto his IPOD!!!! He also had been listening to the Bon Jovi records that I have, which is only three! 7800, Slippery and Jersey...
He's also just borrowed three Stones records...
If they want to listen, it's here.
My daughter just turned 1. When she was a newborn, I'll lull her to sleep by sitting her in front of my Rush In Rio DVD, during Neil's immense drum solo.

To this day, whenever she hears any percussion, she literally starts banging her head...no kidding.
AND it must be natural to humans as I've never banged my head in front of her...

Hopefully she'll dig rock/metal and not the awful teeny-pop that my wife loves.
Bryant said:
There is nothing wrong with that, but where do our heirs of music come from ?


My friends at UMOS kids :D
My daughters are 10 and 12, and I let them free to choose their music...While it's pretty easy to make a little guy throw the horns, at 12 they are more influenced by their friends. So they more listen to dance now, but I try to guide them to "good" dance music, any music got it's share of crap and good stuff... The youngest is getting into Lordy these days (thank you Eurovision, thought I never would say that in my live !!) , so there's a little hope she'll get into metal a bit. Let here listen to Arch Enemy yesterday; "look at this great looking woman, and now here her sing !!" (she though it was really cool!!)...
Anyway, they don't care if I play metal. No crazy or strange looks from them when I play my music.
One thing I often do is hand out CD's to kids that already listen to some Metal or have interest. To show'm there's more interesting Metal music than what they mostly get to see on TV and press...My little help to develop this world :lol:
carnut said:
The youngest is getting into Lordy these days (thank you Eurovision, thought I never would say that in my live !!) , so there's a little hope she'll get into metal a bit. Let here listen to Arch Enemy yesterday; "look at this great looking woman, and now here her sing !!" (she though it was really cool!!).

Saturate them with Warlock, Benedictum, Zed Yago, Hellion, Rock Goddess, Girlschool or even Sinergy or Beholder. Or you can try a more mellow approach with Nightwish, Lacuna Coil, Ambeon, or Lana Lane, then escalate the energy :cool:

The best trick will be with Blackmore's Night after they dig it, say oh you like the guitar player? And then intoxicate them with Rainbow, so oh you like the singer? so strike them with Black Sabbath and after it oh you like it gloomy? and get them into doom, the rest is downslope :heh:
I've got 3 boys and a girl and I've always shared my music with my them. My 19 year old loves Def Leppard and a lot of the mainstream 80's Hard Rock. My 17 year old got exposed to Sonata Arctica from a friend and now is into Demons & Wizards, Blind Guardian and DragonForce which I shared with him. My 13 year just got hooked on Rage's newest, Speak of the Dead. He likes the symphonic parts because it reminds him of video game soundtracks. No such luck with my daughter who is into country, top 40, and hip hop.

rokk said:
I've got 3 boys and a girl and I've always shared my music with my them. My 19 year old loves Def Leppard and a lot of the mainstream 80's Hard Rock. My 17 year old got exposed to Sonata Arctica from a friend and now is into Demons & Wizards, Blind Guardian and DragonForce which I shared with him. My 13 year just got hooked on Rage's newest, Speak of the Dead. He likes the symphonic parts because it reminds him of video game soundtracks. No such luck with my daughter who is into country, top 40, and hip hop.


I guess it's easier to get boys into Metal :erk:
I use reverse psychology with the kids across the street from me. I tell them I really like the dance/hip hop they're listening to and that I would really hate it if they started listening to that nasty metal stuff. :saint: So far it's not working. :cry:

Edit: *Not* working. Otherwise I wouldn't have put the :cry: in there. Oooops
I'll try the subliminal thing with my kids. I mean, SOMEONE has the carry Thrash into the next generation and keep it from dying...
Break Zero said:
I'll try the subliminal thing with my kids. I mean, SOMEONE has the carry Thrash into the next generation and keep it from dying...
Educate the masses! :D

Bryant said:
That picture is actually a little spooky in a way..... though I don't know why. :erk:


Or this one:


reminescence of "Brave New World" (Huxley's book not Maiden's album :Smug: )

NP: Armored Saint - 'Tribal Dance'