You know, with spring and summer coming; at my one job it starts to get pretty slow in the recieving department; we get most of our stuff at the start, get overworked, and then sometimes have hours to kill after we cleaned, did rewraps, etc, etc...and at Relapse, nighttime tends to be kind of slow. Just curious to know(in a fun thread), what are some things done around workplaces to kill time?
A few of mine:
First off I found that driving co-workers insane(in a fun, well meaning way of course) helps knock off those hours. This I found can be accomplished by:
-Coming to work jacked to all hell on over-brewed coffee. Nothing like being able to discuss mindless things for hours on end until the crash(and said co workers breathe sigh of relief.)
-While myself and most of the Relapse crew share a love of black, death, thrash and all forms of extreme metal; I find to my amusment that they do not have my additional love of 80s metal. To put on an Annihilator or Twisted Sister CD and rock out while watching their eyes begin to spiral due to the old school whammy-bar and eyeliner saturated rockin tunes is always a good time killer. Especially when you start singing the choruses to old cock-rock songs during this time.
I find that the best albums for this include the aformentioned two, anything from Ratt, WASP, Hanoi Rocks and Motley Crue. Since I already know the songs, 80's Metal Karaoke is that much easier. (Performing old fashioned cock rock moves like the jump off the counter into the knee-slide air guitar solo is bound to draw attention. Make a note though: Kiss, Judas Priest and Iron Maiden have too many devoted followers no matter what genre of metal they listen to; so you can't drive them as insane with them). And it's even better going right from Gorgoroth or Darkthrone to one of the aformentioned bands. (If no 80s metal is nearby; power metal works in a pinch, too. Eagleheart is guarenteed to stay lodged in their brains for the rest of the night. As I said; I am a fan of practically all things metal.
And games!
-At Tower, we always have Recieving Room Frisbee Tennis. When you sit in the rolly chairs and throw a frisbee back and forth and attempt to catch it without falling out of the chair. Or before it hits one of the computers, a cup of coffee sitting next to a computer, etc; and doing this while keeping an ear out for the manager walking in. In addition; mock fights with hammers and old hanging racks work as well. Especially when the manager walks in on someone whose name I won't mention, at all, doing an axe manuever with one.
-Lunchtime drinking. Beware here. Try not to get so sloshed that you slur on the phones or if a manager talks to you. Unless THEY are the ones taking you out(one slow day they treated us, since we're a good recieving crew, to lunch and beer. 7 of us downed like 9 or 10 pitchers. Needless to say, he told us not to speak to customers.)
Of course modified darts(I find that chunks of soft cheese stick well), and other forms of tennis/soccer/football with odd objects also work.
Sooo...anyone else have suggestions/ways they kill those slow ass work days?
A few of mine:
First off I found that driving co-workers insane(in a fun, well meaning way of course) helps knock off those hours. This I found can be accomplished by:
-Coming to work jacked to all hell on over-brewed coffee. Nothing like being able to discuss mindless things for hours on end until the crash(and said co workers breathe sigh of relief.)
-While myself and most of the Relapse crew share a love of black, death, thrash and all forms of extreme metal; I find to my amusment that they do not have my additional love of 80s metal. To put on an Annihilator or Twisted Sister CD and rock out while watching their eyes begin to spiral due to the old school whammy-bar and eyeliner saturated rockin tunes is always a good time killer. Especially when you start singing the choruses to old cock-rock songs during this time.

And games!
-At Tower, we always have Recieving Room Frisbee Tennis. When you sit in the rolly chairs and throw a frisbee back and forth and attempt to catch it without falling out of the chair. Or before it hits one of the computers, a cup of coffee sitting next to a computer, etc; and doing this while keeping an ear out for the manager walking in. In addition; mock fights with hammers and old hanging racks work as well. Especially when the manager walks in on someone whose name I won't mention, at all, doing an axe manuever with one.

-Lunchtime drinking. Beware here. Try not to get so sloshed that you slur on the phones or if a manager talks to you. Unless THEY are the ones taking you out(one slow day they treated us, since we're a good recieving crew, to lunch and beer. 7 of us downed like 9 or 10 pitchers. Needless to say, he told us not to speak to customers.)
Of course modified darts(I find that chunks of soft cheese stick well), and other forms of tennis/soccer/football with odd objects also work.
Sooo...anyone else have suggestions/ways they kill those slow ass work days?