WD on American Idol

Jul 14, 2002
Stratford, CT
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I would pay for Warrel's airfare to the audtion city of his choice if he would go on American Idol.

WD" hello Simon.....right now I'd like to tell you a little story about a little girl. Who took a little trip....who got a little to high, a little to small for her own good.........DO YOU KNOW WHAT HER NAME WAS RANDY JACKSON? "

" thats right, poor poor Alice "

hahah sorry, i saw it and had to make one, cuz im an avid photo editor, and i saw yours and was like... must make one.... i actually did debut that earlier but i pulled it out of my sig to post the BozzFest logo...
he has the talent/voice/range to tear all of those motherfuckers apart....but i betcha that bitch simon would be like "whats with that hair and that "fuck you i'm from hell shirt? this just won't work". then WD would break out in a full on battle angels style falsetto scream and simons head woul fucking explode.
warrel has a fucking incredible voice. fuck, i would kill to b that good
Hmm.......do they have rules which state that to participate, you must never have been signed to a record label? If they don't, someone should drag Barlow to one.