we are sharing a brain


toe much love!
Nov 16, 2002
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V Amorphisto: i almost went to sleep at work today
V Amorphisto: for some reason i was lightheaded
jgohs*: me too!
V Amorphisto: like as if i had been up all night drinking
V Amorphisto: but i wasnt
V Amorphisto: WOW
jgohs: that's crazy
V Amorphisto: we are ssooooooo NSYNC
jgohs: we are sharing a brain
V Amorphisto: you want to share a dozen?
V Amorphisto: donuts?
jgohs: krispy kreme?
jgohs: hell yeah
V Amorphisto: mmmmmm
V Amorphisto: i went there the other day
V Amorphisto: got the free hot donut
V Amorphisto: goooooooooooood
jgohs: nice
V Amorphisto: then i still had to buy donuts
V Amorphisto: and eat one
jgohs: is there any other way?
V Amorphisto: not that im prepared to consider
jgohs: that's what i want to hear
V Amorphisto: we rule
V Amorphisto: da school yo
jgohs: we do indeed
jgohs: well, i guess i should go do work
V Amorphisto: bleh, ok
V Amorphisto: enjoy!
jgohs: i'll talk to you soon...and i get our brain tomorrow all day....i'll need it
V Amorphisto: man
V Amorphisto: i need it too
V Amorphisto: ok, thats it
V Amorphisto: tomorrow im thinking with my dick
jgohs: and i'll do that on thursday
V Amorphisto: cool
jgohs: night man

*name changed for you stalker types
im just gonna recycle this thread, cuz im a hippy, and you know, us hippies, we're into that shit.

UM is not for the people. UM is a weird psychological experiment. the database is not erased. "mark" saves everything and is developing a theory of personality at our expense. some of you are not going to like the results.