We Butter the Bread with Butter


New Metal Member
Jun 11, 2013
German band We Butter the Bread with Butter. Thoughts on their sound?
Link to song "USA" below!:devil:

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To me they always sounded like a 2nd rate version of Arsonists Get All the Girls, right down to the comical name. They're part of that wave of ironically-heavy spazzcore bands like AGAtG and IWABO but to my ears they just can't hack it.
Like I said, they're part of that wave of bands. Examples:

Arsonists Get All the Girls
We Butter the Bread with Butter
I Set My Friends on Fire
The Tony Danza Tapdance Extravaganza
The Forrest Gump Mile High Marathon
See You Next Tuesday

Etc. In fairness, Danza is fucking awesome and Gump is more poorly done slam.

I really don't have a problem with hipster-fueled metal. Done right, it can be goddamn cool. I will take to the grave that IWABO makes fun music and has a more intense live show than 95% of what passes for "true metal" around here. WBtBwB though? Uh... no. That's the difference between a band who does what they do because it's the style their creativity takes them and a band who tries to emulate the template set down by another.
BTW, listened to the new EP. It's pretty good, no lie. They actually use the electronics for nice atmospherics in places. 1000 Volt is a fucking solid track. The USA thing is honestly the most painful bit on the whole thing. I mean, it's not "true" by any stretch, but what they do they do pretty decently well. Just, y'know. Those awful English lyrics.