We had the baby!


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
Last night (Aug 23rd) at 10:46pm EST. He's about a month early, but we were expecting that. He weighs 7lb 3oz, and everyone seems to be holding up just fine. 9 hours in labour 'aint so bad, heh.

His name is Sebastian.

Thanks everyone.

He'll be in the N.I.C.U for a few days just because he arrived early, and boys lungs don't develop as quickly as girls so they need to feed him some oxygen and stuff. Heather's doing fine - she's walking about already and should be home tomorrow.

@lizard: This is our second. We now have a boy and girl. Chloe's got her 'I'm a big sister' t-shirt on already. :)

Everyone have a beer (or several) on me! Back to the hospital I go...
Congrats dude!! Nothing like it in the world. My wife and I have an 18 month old and are expecting our second in March.