We need to resurrect the titty threads...

best thread ever this was...

I thought UM admin deleted it because the ad sponsors had complained. If you try to resurrect titty threads, you may get the ban hammer I think. Come on guys. Just get Tumblr or google search for titties like the rest of us.

We all miss them but alas, porn can be found all over.
I thought UM admin deleted it because the ad sponsors had complained. If you try to resurrect titty threads, you may get the ban hammer I think. Come on guys. Just get Tumblr or google search for titties like the rest of us.

We all miss them but alas, porn can be found all over.

Fuck the sponsors. They're quite happy having gory fucking Death Metal banners and pussy-ass metal bands preaching their shitty ways of life through their crappy ball-less soul-less music. Faggots.

I'll throw a few bob in the kitty for freedom of speech.
Yeah, we all love some titties, but it's pretty easy to find that stuff on the internet.

Or....*gasp*.....the real world!

Speaking of....



Damnit she's asleep.....