We should all move to Sweden

haha, that's old news. :)

I actually saw him last year at Sweden Rock. He's hardcore.

Funny, I was just reading the Local and then i came here and found the first thread to ahve a link to the Local. I can't get away!!!
I like the other side bar story...."Swedish study: drummers more intelligent"



I knew it! :headbang:VINDICATED!:headbang:

And I love this little excerpt:
"The findings confirm suspicions long held by heavy metal drummer Mikkey Dee from Motörhead about his own intelligence..

“I’ve wondered why its so easy for me to learn things,” he said to the newspaper Metro.

“I was never into school that much but I can nevertheless do pretty well with maths, for example.”

The way Mikkey plays, he must be a freakin' genius! :lol:
I knew it! :headbang:VINDICATED!:headbang:

And I love this little excerpt:
"The findings confirm suspicions long held by heavy metal drummer Mikkey Dee from Motörhead about his own intelligence..

“I’ve wondered why its so easy for me to learn things,” he said to the newspaper Metro.

“I was never into school that much but I can nevertheless do pretty well with maths, for example.”

The way Mikkey plays, he must be a freakin' genius! :lol:

How many drummers does it take to screw in a light bulb?

None, they have machines to do that now.

I was never very good at maths. Maybe that's why I was always such a lousy drummer.

Sorry Mickey. You too Rakosh. :)