We should do a metal version of this...


Mark Carras
Sep 29, 2001
Olympia, WA
...or maybe not. :D

Yo, MIS!

Wired.com reports the arrival of "geeksta" rap--a genre of hip-hop that
"glamorizes not guns ... but Java and secure encryption algorithms."

In other words, it's hip-hop for the computer science profession.
"Geeksta rappers adopt the same combative verbal-assault stylings of
their forerunners, but bust rhymes about elite script compiling and dope
machine code," according to the magazine.

In recent months, Wired.com reports, the geeksta rap field has "seen a
growing number of releases from computer science labs, where egocentric
grad students show off their Ph.D. credentials in tracks like 'Have to
Code' and 'End of File.'"

"The stigma that was once attached to computer geeks and role-playing
nerds is diminishing incredibly fast," said "digital gangster" Bryce
Case Jr., aka "ytcracker." "It has almost become trendy to have skills
on a computer." Rather than guns, he'll speak about DDOS, he says.

Then there's MC Plus+ , a geeksta leading light whose moniker comes from
the C++ programming language. He rattles off lines like: "I'm encrypting
s--- like every single day; sending it across a network in a safe way;
protecting messages to make my pay; if you hack me you're guilty under

Source: Wired.com
It's all about the Pentiums, baby!