We won, We won, We won... oh well back to work.

He's finally going to where he belonged after the 1994 murders of Nicole Brown & Ron Goldman.
I can imagine what the conversations are like in the LA slammer:

"Man, I'm gonna kill that muthafuckin famous OJ muthafucka!"

"Nigga please! You ain't killin nobody! I'M GONNA kill that muthafuckin muthafucka!"

"Fuck you bofe muthafuckas! Ain't nobody gonna kill that OJ nigga cept me!"

"Y'all are fuckin stoopid! Muthafuckin OJ's my muthafuckin mark, muthafuckas!"

"Ay! Check it out! That famous-ass muthafucka killed white folk! I wanna kill a muthafucka who killed white folk!"

"Yeh! Killin a muthafucka like dat's worth three o' fo' Jeffrey Dahmer muthafuckas!"
