Web promotional material


I live here
Aug 4, 2005
Hello, fellow Bio-freak.

I thought I'd try make some little somethings to help us spread the word and stuff. Join the party !

Here's your new sig :

Here's your new wallpaper :

Now get out there and spread the word. FALLEEN ! FALLEN IN FEEEEEEEEAAAAAAR ! \m/></\
Hello, fellow Bio-freak.

I thought I'd try make some little somethings to help us spread the word and stuff. Join the party !

Here's your new sig :

Here's your new wallpaper :

Now get out there and spread the word. FALLEEN ! FALLEN IN FEEEEEEEEAAAAAAR ! m/></

A couple wallpapers more :

...I am not entirely happy with these, they feel like something is missing, for me... Input ?

edit : I'M ON FIRE

I agree with hat, the one with the three covers is best.

The merged one doesn't work as you're ignoring the space and shape componants of one to incorporate the other.
I agree with hat, the one with the three covers is best.

The merged one doesn't work as you're ignoring the space and shape componants of one to incorporate the other.

...good point. It should look like this (--O--) instead of everything crammed together... That way I'll have more room to merge those gently. I've been br00tal (as always >.<). Cheers ! :D
A good start, although the colour is overly washed out, so unless you have a really good screen, which I don't, it's a little indestinct. Also, any chance of the serial number at the bottom? Perchance placing the Biomechanical logo beneath that?

Yes, this is me. I would be an excent graphic designer ave that I can't draw to save my life....
:-| I don't have much choice on the color but making the whole thing dark... I scanned the booklet, and the printing erm... pattern ? shows... It adds a lot of noise to the original picture, so it's either very sharp, but looks like shit, or faded and dark and it's not as crispy and stuff. Plus, I have a Cannibalised tshirt, making me sexier than you.

Seriously though, I'll try and have another go later tonight or tomorrow if I'm not happy with what I get. \m/^.^

edit :


Dude, that one is infinately better! Thx.

And as I also have said t-shirt, there is no way you're sexier than I ;)

IM/Forum icons? The (Mekan?) head from the 'victory is genocide' shirt, the head of one of the 'wired-up' people from the 'point of no return' shirt, the eight moons embrio, one or other foetus from the Empires cover...