Wedding Music

Matt Smith

Jun 11, 2004
Athens, GA
Hi Guys--
I thought some of you might enjoy this, so I figured I'd post it. I'm getting married in a little over a week, and I composed the music for our wedding. Thought you might want to hear it.

Here is the piece for the beginning of the ceremony, when the groomsmen escort the bridesmaids in and everyone takes their places, etc.

And this is for the actual "bride coming down the aisle" part.

Hope you enjoy.
Awesome Matt!!!
Hopefullt the honeymoon will bring a lot of creativity to you! ;)
Nice! That is pretty sweet. I played them for my fiancee last night and, though she liked them, she said that we can't have a Theocracy wedding :( Congrats on the upcoming wedding!
The music is awesome. I to was able to compose the music for my wedding. It is such an honor to do something like this. Hey and congrats on getting married!