

Klingons do not faint
Feb 2, 2010
I've been thinking about this lately, as suddenly all my friends from high school are engaged and having weddings in September.

If you're not interested in the chicken dance or that stupid song "Butterfly Kisses" by Bob Carlisle but still want a wedding where your whole family comes, what do you do?

I'm interested to hear what songs people chose, what kind of venue they got married at, etc.
It's only Martha Stewart if everyone here had a Martha Stewart wedding with light blue napkins and doilies.
I thinks it's pretty amusing to observe the responses to female influence on these forums as a parallel to how the guys on this forum would react if they had women in their life irl.
it's funny because most of the regular posters seem to be married/have serious girlfriends, like i know Dakryn you're married and Ozzman got his lady an orchid for Valentine's Day. if this is the boys' club, i can restrict my thread-making to threads about dipping and Turkish bathhouses, but i was genuinely interested to hear how metal lovers incorporated metal if at all into their weddings!
I haven't been to a wedding in 13 years. All my friends are 25-32 and are in serious, long-term (5 to 10 years, some have children) relationships, and not a single one of them plans to get married. Is that odd?
no, that's becoming more normal. i'm 23 and have been dating the same person for 3 1/2 years and neither of us have any interest in getting married or moving in together. keeps things fresher depending on how you see it.
My wife and I didn't do a wedding, only reason we did anything had to do with military requirements for us to live together basically. I don't believe in a lot of different aspects of the legal system as it pertains to marriage and I will leave it at that.
Yeah understandable Dakryn, it's a flawed system to say the least.

I've played violin at a few weddings and everyone wants the friggin' Pachelbel Canon in D. If I were to have a wedding I'd be down with a string quartet or whatever but anything but that song.
That's pretty emasculating and controlling of her, but I can see where she's coming from if she's really interested in marriage/a family in the short-term. That said, turn it around on her and make her beg!
In Australia, de facto laws are a little bit different. As long as you've been living together as a couple for more than 6 months 'marriage laws' seem to apply, you don't have to be married.

I was in a relationship for 3 years before my current girlfriend, with a girl who was 3 years older and came from a semi conservative Singaporean family. She was in a hurry to settle down as she had just finished her Masters and was looking for a job etc. I was and still am in university and no hurry to do all that settling down jazz, I'm only turning 23 in exactly a week. This eventually took a toll on the relationship, aside from all the other crap we argued about.
Yeah, I think USA is still reeling from our history as a Puritan settlement...still can't buy beer on Sunday in a lot of states, and many states require that liquor and beer not be sold in the same store.

Cohabitation has zero appeal to me. I like having my own place.