Welcome The Newest Aussie Member To Our Board


Boogies Woogies
Nov 27, 2002
MillPark, Victoria, Australia
SkippySells...But Who's Buying

He is from the Megadeth board, i asked him to join, he is also good friends with Paul (Cooper), and they have met in real life, like WOW u guyz.

His real name is Karam and he use to be a model (awww i looked for his portfolio but they deleted it).

also Karam has heaps and heaps of really hot girlie friends so he rules and is a top bloke in my books.

onya Skip
I met Paul Cooper once too, he was dreamy and also had a hot girlie friend! Top bloke.
JonBonJovi said:
You didn't threaten to beat me up at all I offered before you said a word you liar!
Infact I remember it as being I said "come look at the babe behind the bar.......what would you like to drink?"

I could have sworn it was you I said it to.

Where's coops, he might remember, he seemed sorta sober.
[color=#aoeooa]I dont know, I dont live in Perth.

But as you'll soon know I'm the greatest guy in the unknown universe.

And I'm fairly good here too.[/color]

Terry can attest to that.
Hey Karam :wave:

I don't really remember Koich... I was pretty gone too... you should have seen the game of pool weetbix and myself tried to play before Dungeon came on. $3 vodka and cokes get you fucked up!