Welcome to the State of Euphoria!

I just got this in the mail! Undeniably, the best buy I've made in a long time, if ever, for $1!



I've got one. I remeber hassling the record store guy for a year about selling it to me and he wouldn't no matter how much stupid money I offered (I was 14, what did I know?).
Then one Saturday, his mom was covering for him because the fat bastard was sick (think Sarcastic Comic Store guy but in black) and she had no clue....

I asked her if it was for sale and she just said.... "uhhhhh, don't know , I think it's just promo stuff we use to decorate the store..... you can have it I guess!"

Crabmeat - 1, Sarcastic Record Store Guy - 0

Never went back to there after that.

And that concludes my pointless story