Well, hey hey.

Feb 7, 2010
Well, the name is Stephanie. I am 18 and from Ohio. I been apart of many forums and most of them go down hill, so I hope be active and stay active on this one. I have a myspace and facebook, so just hit me up on there. Or on here. It does not matter. And as of right now, Darkthrone, Slayer, and Drudkh have to be my favorite bands (that is if anyone cares). I'm interested in all music, but the various types of metal and metal itself just amazes me. So, yeah. Hello.
Hello there. Nice to meet you too. And thank you. You do the same. Yes, Slayer does. They are ultimate. I just downloaded a bunch of them on my iPod Touch. It is great.
At Touncool: Awesome, awesome. We are no more that like 40 minutes apart. Do you head up to Peabody's a lot?

Now, to sloughfedkillers: They are all pretty cool. They are all awesome in their own, musical way.

And nice to meet the both of you, in a way.