
Jan 13, 2006
I have had a blog for about a year. I lost interest.

So anyone want to follow the blog trend with me?

Anyone want to join me on a large blog on....

death metal/thrash metal/grindcore/drone/doom/black metal/indie/movies?
If you start one up I'd love to read it. I'll be sure to have nice big link to it in my blog.

And if you don't feel up to maintaining your own site you can always submit stuff for my blog.
To tell the truth, I would love to write a review here and there and maybe send it to you if you want.

If I ever get my blog running I will make sure to have a link to yours and of course SLAM-MINDED.
If someone starts a general metal blog that encompasses all genres or the main genres, I would be interested in submitting an article or two for the blog
If someone starts a general metal blog that encompasses all genres or the main genres, I would be interested in submitting an article or two for the blog

That's what my blog is for, and I'd love to publish your reviews (and anyone else's, for that matter).
I am looking for someone that frequents this place a lot and listens to a ton of music and a large amount of genres.
It's like Blo + g. I mean it's like so hilariously amazing. Like thrashened death metal with doomened elements.