Well, kiss free speech good bye.

Wow... with all redneck meanings aside, that is seriously letting the terrorists win.

edit: I thought about this, and I'm actually embarrassed for humanity at the notion that this could possibly be instituted.
Notice how it's just Muslim nations and no other nation? I don't think any other nations give a shit. I don't know what happens if you don't follow a binding resolution from the UN. I assume you get sanctioned.

:lol: No fucking way this is adopted by the US. Otherwise, there might be another civil war.

or increased violence against Muslim people
This is ridiculous. There's no way that any sane person could support this.
No, idiots need to end.
There are religious people who are rational and decent people, it's just the idiots who make the headlines, not the average joe who attends church on Sundays.

being an idiot alone doesnt create this sort of resolution. idiots + religion= the end of the world, one freedom at a time
The First Amendment reads:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
The First Amendment reads:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
yeah, we got that, thanks
Since when in the last 150 years has the Consitution mattered :erk:

We already have had 2nd Amendment and 10th amendment arguments on here.
If this happens, the first thing I'm doing is going outside, and I'm going to yell "FUCK ALLAH UP THE ASS THAT FUCKING FAGGOT".

But thankfully no one will hear me.
because no one lives in maine

EDIT: The second amendment is HARDLY as big a deal as this is. people don't NEED to have the right to own weapons, and as I recall from some michael moore documentary at which point does "arms" become defined?
because no one lives in maine

EDIT: The second amendment is HARDLY as big a deal as this is. people don't NEED to have the right to own weapons, and as I recall from some michael moore documentary at which point does "arms" become defined?

yeah, thats a guy i would definitely quote...
michael moore is a moron, but the guy had a point (it wasn't even MM, it was some crazy dude involved with the OHCB). At which point does our freedom to bear arms end anyways as it is, and how far are gun nuts willing to go?
This won't go through, trust me.

The United States really...does not give a shit about the UN at all. They have almost no power. This would maybe get to Congress, who would immediately respond with "uh...no"
Since when in the last 150 years has the Consitution mattered :erk:

We already have had 2nd Amendment and 10th amendment arguments on here.

Relax, the Constitution still matters. In fact, a lot of the bullshit federal laws we have (i.e. the Controlled Substances Act) are often justified using loopholes in the Constitution such as in the Interstate Commerce Clause.

Allah will. :cool:

Allah would totally kick his ass for saying that. He just needs a little legal backing first.