Welp, so much for Gorgoroth


nursing my wounds
Apr 15, 2002
The Ridge
GORGOROTH Guitarist's Rape Conviction Upheld, Verdict Makes Norwegian Court History - Jan. 10, 2006 GORGOROTH guitarist Infernus' rape conviction was upheld by a Norwegian court earlier today (Jan. 10).

Bergens Tidende reports that a four to five hour-long drama in the jury room resulted in court history being made in Norway. The verdict in the Gulating court of appeals in Bergen has created confusion.

Tiegs (real name: Roger Tiegs) and a friend (whose identity has not been revealed by the Norwegian media) were found guilty of raping a 29-year-old woman last year. They were both sentenced to three years in prison. Today, the court of appeal upheld Tiegs' rape conviction, but found no evidence to support the rape charge against his friend.

"Everyone involved in these proceedings would benefit from finding out what [the jury] has based its decision on," said the puzzled prosecutor Gert Johan Kjelby.

Dag Idar Tryggestad at Bergens Tidende speculates that the jury must have found that one of the men (Tiegs) used force against the woman and that the other man was unaware of this when he later had sex with her. This despite the fact that the three of them were all in the same, small apartment at the time.

"A jury finding that [the co-defendants] played such totally different roles is not something we've seen in court practice before," said Kjelby.

Following the acquittal of Tiegs' friend, the prosecutor asked the jury: "Is [the friend] guilty of aggravated sexual assault?"

Half an hour later the jury returned with the answer: "Yes."

"We can only speculate as to what the jury based its answer on," said the prosecutor.

The basis of the prosecutor's question is: Because of the circumstances, the friend should have known that Tiegs had forced himself on the woman and that she therefore couldn't resist when the friend had sex with her.

According to her attorney Grethe Gullhag, the woman is relieved that both were convicted, albeit only one was found guilty of rape.

Defense attorney Egil Horstad, who represents the friend, is pleased that his client was cleared of the more serious charge. "But it's difficult to understand the jury's thought process when they find my client guilty of aggravated sexual assault,' said Horstad. "First they state that my client wasn't involved in the rape of the woman, or that he even knew that a rape had occurred. Then he's punished because he should have realized what had happened."

Defense attorney Jørgen Riple (pictured on right, with prosecutor Gert Kjelby), who represents Roger Tiegs, is upset.

"We are very disappointed, no matter how you look at the matter," he said.

The defendants will be back in court tomorrow (Jan. 11) for sentencing.
Really odd. I mean, I don't really care one way or another, but from everything I read about this, they're getting screwed.

The hobag they allegedly raped was drunk, high, and didn't scream or complain, which goes against everything that was in her testimony. Chalk another one up for the liars that get away with fucking men over, worldwide.
They don't dribble a basketball. So fuck em! [/Sarcasm]

Edit- These guys need to start a band.


And tour with the County Medical Examiners. I dunno...it would just work!
MadeInNewJersey said:
The hobag they allegedly raped was drunk, high, and didn't scream or complain, which goes against everything that was in her testimony. Chalk another one up for the liars that get away with fucking men over, worldwide.
yeah not only that but it's cases like that that take advantage of the system that dissuade actual victims from coming forward, for fear of public contempt. i guess as a guy you just gotta be really careful what you're doing or you dunno what kinda trouble you'll end up getting in :erk: