Went back to the drawing board for this band's mixes!


Dec 17, 2011
Richmond, VA

A couple note about the mix:

• There's nothing on the master chain, YET. I can't decide if I wanna do it or if I wanna send it to Joey.

• I got into the habit of adding TOO many samples together (we're talking like 6 snares) so I went back and found myself using:
Kick: Kick 10 mixed with the kick from Truth Black and Gold Kit
Snare: Snare 12 mixed with the Truth Black and Gold Kit snare and the
SMALLEST hint of FOP just for that insane punch it has, without being
able the hear the robot-ness of it.
Toms: Shoulder City
Cymbals: Crashes and hi-hat were Screaming Simple, bells and splashes
were from the Truth Black and Gold Kit, and the china is from Chango's
Woe Is Me kit.

• Had a small room aux on the kit as well as a slammin' parallel compressor.

• I got fed up with the Chango Twango bass because I found that whenever a B was played, the actual pitch of the note varied from Bb, B and C. Which is completely ridiculous. Not to mention how completely fake it sounded. So I ended up getting Zombass 3 and I was NOT disappointed.

• Guitars I used the noise gate and tube screamer from POD Farm, Lecto for the amp and the Burny Mesa OS 6505 HR impulses (TL Joint_dc) Compressed and EQ'd them to match the guitars from Erra's album Impulse (which is amazing, you all should definitely check it out)

• Synths were Absynth (can't remember which two I used exactly) but I definitely wanna go back and mix them in better.

Anyways, let me know what you guys think! I'm really proud of this mix, especially for having nothing on the master bus.
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First of all, Erra...yes. Amazing.

As far as the mix goes, I think it's pretty good. My only suggestion (which of course is just personal taste) is that the bass wasn't as audible as I would've liked to hear. That's a minor thing though.
Listening again, I take back what I said. It's not that it's not audible, it's just that the tone is such that it blended with the guitars for me, sounding more like the low end of guitar than a separate instrument itself. (I've just gotten used to bass tones having more of a harsh tone, standing out a little more, but it's all about what works for the mix.)
Listening again, I take back what I said. It's not that it's not audible, it's just that the tone is such that it blended with the guitars for me, sounding more like the low end of guitar than a separate instrument itself. (I've just gotten used to bass tones having more of a harsh tone, standing out a little more, but it's all about what works for the mix.)

This. A little more grit in the bass tone could go a long way. Mastering will also probably help get more thickness and life into those drums.
All good, bar the bass. I would recommend recording a real bass guitar. You can always tell a VST instrument from a real performance, maybe blend the two if the player / tone aren't great.
Also, one of the most common mistakes people make while mixing, is the volume of the bass, guitars and vocals, are wayyyyyy to high for the drums. I always make sure my drums are the main point in volume. Then everything else surrounds them.
When you can hear the low end thwack of your snare and the low end subby part of your kick in the mix, the volumes are right. Then you just add perceived volume by EQ your guitars to sound full, and same with bass etc. This is how I mix.....and it works for me. May not work for you but just giving you incite.

Good luck man
I listened to I Am Abomination, bass sounds fine. My point still stands, I think the bass on this particular track needs work - it doesn't sound right to my ears.
See I was trying to avoid the gritty, overly distorted bass tones people use nowadays. With this bass tone, I'm going more for an older Joey bass time (WCAR's Dreams EP), which is primarily there to enhance the guitar tone, not really meant to stand out. I mean to each their own, I suppose!:p