WEnt To The Iron Maiden Day At The Ruskin Arms East London

Lord S

Jul 25, 2001
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Pretty cool day:)

Italian tribute Children Of THe Damned were excellent:)
Paul Dianno came up and sang Phantom with them.Clive Burr was around too though understandably didn't mix too much.Had a word with Laz who runs the FC and pushed your name forward as possibly playing any future conventions-fingers croosed:)

Finally a pic of me and Paul taken inside the Ruskin.
You look like an evil snow spirit or something... we are afraid to respond lest you curse us with a bad winter or something...

Just kidding! Thanks very much for sharing!!! I think everyone is distracted by the Maidens' tour... even Keyser missed this post, which is highly unusual!
Cool pic man. Last I saw him was in a Battlezone tour (back in the 80's). Now he's banned from the states (USA). He even tried smuggling himself into the states, but believe it or not, got busted! The guy's jinxed for trouble, major bummer. That whole story is in his biography "The Beast."
Thanks for posting the pic. It seems like some Maiden fans feel they need to choose between the Dianno or Dickinson era Maiden. Personally I like both. Killers is one of my favorite albums. I'll have to check out his book.
Chickinson here posting under MiniMurray's icon....THANK YOU LORD S for letting Laz know you'd like us to play a future convention. Airfare deals sometimes are very reasonable and it may be a possibility to go overseas for something like that in the future...especially if we wrap a European tour around it.
Originally posted by Lord S
I like ALL Maiden eras:)

Do you think Jack here has influenced the snow in the US?:eek:

Well, there are still parts of the Carolinas without power... four days after the fact.

For those not acquainted with the ice storms we have here in the southern US, they get pretty bad... I have some smaller pine trees around my house that are now shaped like an upside down 'U', i.e. the top part is touching/frozen to the ground. I'm hoping they will stand upright again someday (so sad)...

Anyways, a lot of ice accumulates on power lines, etc. as well (the rain freezes as soon as it hits something solid). Eventually the weight brings down power lines, or nearby trees which take the power lines with them. During one of the last bad ice storms here (a couple of years back), I had 2" of sheet ice encasing my Fiero (which I was able to pry off so I could get in...).

And I moved here because it was warmer?!? Well, at least subzero temperatures are very uncommon here...
Cool pic Lord. I went looking for the Ruskin Arms about 14 years ago on vacation and ended up in West Ham instead of East Ham. Pretty stupid. Found some good fish & chips in the projects though. I like the Maiden soccer jersey you got on, got the same one.:cool: